1. Complétez les phrases.
1.The south of France is warmer ______ Scotland.
a) them
b) than
c) as
d) to
2. If I had more time, I ______ learn Catalan.
a) will
b) do
c) am
d) would
3. It is useful to know a second language ______ it can help your career.
a) because
b) because of
c) although
d) unless
4. I don’t have ______ money left.
a) some
b) no
c) any
d) a lot
People ______ watch too much television get square eyes
a) what
b) who
c) which
d) that
2.Trouvez les contraires des adjectifs suivants…. (ci-dessous)
1. hot
2. fast
3. hard
4. light
5. bad
6. loud
7. ugly
8. cheap
9. mean
A. beautiful B. good C. expensive D. generous E. heavy F. thick G. soft H. slow I. cold J. quiet
Maintenant, choisissez le bon adjectif pour les phrases suivantes
1. The pizza was so ——-, it burnt my mouth
2.He hates spending money: he is very ———-
3.Shhhhh, your voice is too ——
4.In winter, I like to wear a ——— coat
5. ——— down! You’re driving too ——!
3.Mettez les questions suivantes dans le bon ordre
1. go / where / you / did ?
2. there / you / how / stay / long / did ?
3. born / you / when / were ?
4. does / how / it / cost / much ?
4. Pouvez-vous trouver les 10 fautes qui se cachent dans le texte suivant?
If you goes to Barcelona, watch out for the man in a kilt. A debt collecting company has introduce El Cobrador Escocés (the Scottish receiver) that dresses in a kilt and full Scottish accompaniment, including a very high black hat, and followed the ‘moroso’ (bad payer) wherever he go….. in the metro, in bars and restaurants etc. The aim is to shame the ‘moroso on sticking to him as glue. Apparently, much more peoples have paid up this way rather than suffer the indignity of being shadowing by a Scotsman!!
Debt collecting company – agence de recouvrement (de dette)
REPONSES 1 1b 2d 3a 4c 5b 2 1i 2h 3g 4e 5b 6j 7a 8c 9d 10f hot mean loud thick slow/fast 3 1 Where did you go? 2 How long did you stay there? 3 When were you born? 4 How much does it cost? 4 If you go to Barcelona, watch out for the man in a kilt. A debt collecting company has introduced El Cobrador Escocés (the Scottish receiver) who dresses in a kilt and full Scottish accompaniment, including a very high black hat, and follows the ‘moroso’ (bad payer) wherever he goes….. in the metro, in bars and restaurants etc. The aim is to shame the ‘moroso by sticking to him like glue. Apparently, many more people have paid up this way rather than suffer the indignity of being shadowed by a Scotsman!! |