Tongue twister (virelangue)
(Répétez trois fois)
Red lorry, yellow lorry, red lorry, yellow lorry

Bad Joke
What do you call a fish with no eyes?
A fsh.

What goes around the world but stays in one corner?
A stamp

 1.Trouvez les pluriels

1 Mouse
2 Cherry
3 Sheep
4 son-in-law
5 tooth
6 scissors
7 crisis
8 fish
9 wolf
10 person


Language tip!
Attention ! Ces mots ne changent pas dans le pluriel en anglais
advice – conseils
clothing – vêtements
furniture – meubles
rubbish – déchets, ordures
homework – devoirs
information – reseignements
knowledge – connaissances
pasta – pâtes

2. Trouvez les synonymes

1. Exhibition
2. Harvest
3. However
4. Entertainment
5. Sample
6. Link
7. Illness
8. Amazing
9. Before
10. Weak

a. feeble
b ailment
c. remarkable
d. diversion
e. joining
f. specimen
g. earlier
h. nevertheless
i. display
j. yield

3. Let or make?

Let – permettre à quelqu’un – I let him drive my car
Make – forcer quelqu’un – He made me sing!

1 I want another dog but my husband won’t ——me
2 I try hard but I can’t —- my son clean his room!
3 Please don’t —- me go to school. — me stay at home!
4 When he knocked on the door, I —- him in
5. —- me introduce myself
6. Sad films always —- me cry!

4. Trouvez les proverbes

1. An Englishman’s home is his castle
.2. Once bitten, twice shy.
3. To each his own
4. It’s the pot calling the kettle black

A. C’est l’hôpital qui se moque de la Charité
B. Chacun voit midi à sa porte
C. Charbonnier est maître chez soi.
D. Chat échaudé craint l’eau froide.

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