Hello Everyone
I have been struck down with the chesty cough virus which seems to be doing the rounds at the moment. Hence, as I lie stretched out on my sofa, I can only gaze through the windows of my living room and watch the wind bending the trees and admire the sunlight on the red roofs. I have to take for granted that the mimosa and the almond blossom is as beautiful as everyone says it is at the moment.
On January 24th we held our AGM in Carcassonne. 9 members attended from the P-O. At the meeting, Ron Reid offered to stand as Vice President for Sud de France and in January 2019, if everything goes to plan, he will stand as President to take over from Penny. He will continue to have responsibility for publicity as he did in 2017. Dr Martin Christlieb, from the Department of Oncology at Oxford University talked very entertainingly on the developments in radiotherapy. He has written a blog post about us which will shortly appear on the University website to give us some added publicity.
On January 29th we held a Training Day specifically to learn about how sport and other activities can help cancer patients. Two speakers came along to the meeting.
André Girbal works with La CAMI, an organisation which accompanies people in treatment or remission of cancer, in dedicated sports therapy programs, in towns or in hospitals. It is a national organisation and it was set up in 2000.
La CAMI takes into account the type of cancer, the nature of the treatments, the physical alterations, the expressed suffering, the constraints of age, the levels of activity practiced and the needs of the patients.
Joelle Esteve, our second speaker, set up La Maison Entre Parenthèses in Perpignan in 2015. It is a completely free service offered to to women cancer patients. Professionals give their services free. It allows each woman to be in control of her own wellbeing: diet, health and beauty care and hobbies and physical activities such as pilates, gymnastics and yoga. The name “La Parenthèses” was chosen because life is put in parentheses when one encounters the disease.
We hope to be able to work closely with these two organisations.
The Drop Ins are back in full working order.
Wednesday 7 February – Céret – 10.30-12
Pablo’s Bar in the Place Pablo Picasso. Come and join us for coffee and browse through the books.
Monday 19 February – Laroque – 10.30-12
At the Café des Artistes there’s always a good turn-over of paperbacks, English and French. Also CDs and DVDs. You can buy a coffee and take two books.
Wednesday 21 February Ille sur Têt 10.30-12
At Lizzie’s this month, Jane Bailey Lawes will be talking about biological or old cleaning tips for the busy housewife, using natural products like vinegar and lemon.
There’ll be books, cake, coffee and tea as usual.
Friday 23 March 2018 INFORMATION DAY Bages 10 – 12.30
What does CSF actually do ? What is an Active Listener ?
Well, this is a chance for new members (and old) to find out by joining us on the morning of one of our Active Listener Training Days.
It will take place at Miranda’s house in Bages.
We will start with coffee at 10 and the meeting will run from 10.30 until 12.30.
There will be an opportunity for members to talk to our Active Listeners about what they do and to hear from Penny Parkinson and others about CSF generally and about the role of the Active Listener. There will be ample time for questions. The meeting will be followed by lunch to which everyone is invited.
Wednesday 4 April 2018 CSF OPEN MEETING Perpignan
This is our annual get-together when we meet up for a short meeting which up-dates us on events past, present and future. It’s very informal and everyone is welcome.
Last April we had a very successful meeting, followed by a super three-course lunch, at Le Mas Des Arcades in Perpignan. I’m pleased to say that we will be there again this year. The meeting will start around 10.15 and end with lunch.
Our speaker this time will be Dr Rita Jordan, Professor in Autism studies at The University of Birmingham where she runs courses for professionals working with individuals with autistic spectrum disorders at all levels. She has written and researched on many aspects of autism and has lectured and been involved in consultancy nationally and internationally.
In her talk, ‘The coming era of patient-centered medicine’, Rita will be talking about treatment specifically tailored to the patient rather than the disease, as well as the complications of cancer in an individual with other conditions such as autism.
You will have received the menu and some of you have replied which is great. I’ve attached the menu again just in case you need some extra persuasion.
Please can you let me have your menu choices as soon as possible. (For two or more people please stipulate name and menu choice.)
May 2018 Activity for Life – CYCLE FOR LIFE 2018
The Cycle for Life in 2018 will set off from Royan on 19th May and arrive in Marseillan
Plage on 31st May.
The cyclists come through the Sud area as follows:
Toulouse to Castelnaudry 26th May
Castelnaudry to Carcassonne 27th May
Rest day in Carcassonne 28th
Carcassonne to Le Somail 29th
Le Somail to Agde 30th
Agde to Marseillan Plage 31st
Vide Grenier St Cyprien Plage
This is definitely happening again this year and I’ll let you know the exact date next month.
Thursday 6 September Walk for Life Maureillas
Last year our Walk for Life event went very well so we haven’t made any changes for this year. There will of course be the two sponsored walks as well as a pétanque tournament. You can take a gentle stroll along the riverside, or give your muscles a workout on the outdoor fitness circuit. Bring the family and a picnic and enjoy a day out.