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1st May 2024 - 31st May 2024

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Hello Everyone

There’s an onomatopoeic word that one uses to describe the downpour outside at the moment but I can’t use it here! In the dry and arid south of France we’re doing a rain dance on soil which is soft and dark, and the vines and fruit trees are spreading out their leaves in praise.

Happy to say we never have many dull moments. The sun always finds a break in the clouds to brighten up the day and, though it sounds corny to say it, there’ll be a rainbow somewhere making a pretty picture over Canigou.

The cherry season is about to start but I bet you didn’t know that the unofficial start of the cherry season is when the Élysée Palace is sent the first crate of cherries from Céret. Oh, OK, you did know…..

On Thursday 25 April, we had our Walk for Life in Oms and here’s what Penny says about the day:

On a lovely sunny day, 27 people enjoyed various activities in the picturesque village of Oms. Although we were not as numerous as some previous years, the different venue meant that we attracted new people, and anglophones were not the majority group. We did a brisk trade on savouries and cakes and the Tombola was as popular as always. With the sales of books and CSF goodies, we were able to make a donation of €100 to La Ligue contre le cancer and CSF Sud also benefited by just over €460.

Many thanks to all the helpers, walkers, petanquists, and those who made generous donations to support what we do.


The Spring edition of the CSF National quarterly magazine is available here.

Drop Ins

Wednesday 1 May, Pablo’s Bar, Céret, 10.30

Come along for coffee and chat.  There will also be books and Céret is a great place to meet up with friends.

Monday 20 May, Café des Artistes, Laroque des Albères, 10.15

Come and have a browse through our large selection of paperbacks. Any books you bring along for exchange will be gratefully received. We can’t take hardbacks or non-fiction books I’m afraid. Bring a friend and stay for coffee.

Wednesday 22 May, Villa Lafabrègue, Prades, 10.15

There will be coffee and cake at this lovely villa and I hope you can join us because this month we will have a short presentation from Gillian Bradbury called ‘What is the Microbiome and how can we support its function for health’.

Events this month

Sunday 5 May Vide Grenier St Cyprien 9 – 5.30pm

La Ligue contre le cancer will have a table at this Vide. CSF will be there, with a table next to La Ligue, and we will be giving out information and leaflets to those who wish to know more about us.

We hope to have our own Vide Grenier later in the year, possibly in June sometime.

Tuesday 7 May Spring Open Meeting Céret

It’s your last chance to sign up for our informal meeting which we have every year around this time. I always call it a get-together because it’s really a chance to meet up with friends, learn a bit about what’s going on in the CSF calendar, listen to an entertaining speaker and then relax and chat over a nice lunch.

This year we will meet chez Guy Molas. His restaurant is on the road between St Jean-Plat-de-Corts and Céret and it’s a delightful little place with a terrace and a lovely view.

Our speaker is a gentleman called Fred Browne who was a consultant forensic psychiatrist in Belfast during the Troubles and has seen many changes, both professionally and personally. His talk will be called « Exploring Minds ».

Take a look at the lunch menu as there is still time to let me have your choices which I need to know by Friday 3 May. The price of the meal is 22€. Please pay by cheque or cash which I will collect when you arrive for coffee at 9.30.

Do contact me if you have any questions.

Monday 20 May – Pentecôte Holiday

Fete du Printemps – Oms village 9 a.m. – 5.30p.m.

Join in and enjoy the 15th Spring Festival. Something for everyone, with a hike in the beautiful countryside around Oms, or a botanic walk to learn about edible wild plants, or just a gentle self-guided stroll around the historic village. In the main square will be a Farmers Market, live music and animations, including a magician.

With a theme of Le Canigou, the mystic mountain of Catalonia, you will find a varied exhibition inside the spacious village hall.

Lunch will be organised by Mas Cané using produce from the Farmers market, or bring your own picnic – or book a table at the village bistro Le Relais de l’Orme.

Looking ahead

October Rose – Les Jeudis Roses de la Clinique 2024

4 Thursdays of talks, workshops and conferences about breast cancer

Oct 3, 10, 17 & 24 : 11am – 4pm

🎗 To support Pink October, the SOA (Soins d’Onco-Accompagnement) joins with PINK THURSDAYS in Perpignan at the Clinique St Pierre.
SOA 66, based in Perpignan, offers support to people with cancer throughout the Pyrénées-Orientales. It gives supportive care to patients being treated in Oncology and/or Hematology in the form of alternative, complementary care, as well as financial support. The objective is to inform patients, health professionals and visitors of the actions proposed by the association.

CSF will have a stand and We’ll be handing out leaflets and chatting mostly to medical people, letting them know what CSF is about and how we can help English speaking patients. (There will be no stands on 30 October.)

A detailed programme will be available later on in the year but for the moment if anyone can do an hour or two in the morning or afternoon, we’d very much appreciate it. Please contact Phil O’Neill philomeneoneill@gmail.com

Saturday 5 October, Fête October Rose, 12pm

Our Autumn event this year will be a LUNCH AT THE DOMAINE MAS ALART. This vineyard, set in the heart of the Roussillon plain, has been there since 1897.

As you know, the Octobre Rose campaign makes it possible to raise awareness and inform and encourage screening in the fight against breast cancer.

As our event takes place at this particular time of year, we thought it would be appropriate to name it Fête October Rose.

The afternoon will begin with a fizzy apéro and continue with lunch and then dessert. Wine will be served of course and there will be music from our friends Zircon. Dancing will be encouraged. There will be prizes to be won – a tombola and a surprise draw. Fun for everyone.

Entrance by ticket only and the cost is 20€. Watch this space for more details and please make a note of the date.

Please remember that if anyone is struggling or needing help, the CSF telephone and email helplines are always open.   We are there for everyone needing assistance at this time as well as for those affected by cancer. There is also lots of information on our website.

Diana Eastaff


1st May 2024
31st May 2024
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