- This event has passed.
1st June 2016 - 30th June 2016
Hello Again
Respectez les vignes! We see this as we walk among the vines and scramble along the rocky stream beds and at this time of year we take note. Tempting as it may be to sample the grapes, we must resist. There might be a rogue vine or two buried in the long grass, looking like it’s been thrown out to seed, but give it the benefit of the doubt. Why not stick to the many hundreds of blackberries which are very freely available at the moment. Grab a handful and eat without guilt! Just a word of warning though – there is a veritable Summer Pudding out there when it comes to juicy berries and unless you have a Mother Earth degree in Edible Berry Foraging, don’t be tempted to eat everything you see!
If you’re feeling sad at the thought that Summer is almost over, you’d better get along to Mr and Mrs Parkinson’s At Home in a few days time. I guarantee that this jolly afternoon gathering will lift you out of your post-summer doldrums. (Details below.)
Here are the dates of our Drop-Ins this month. Remember, members and supporters are at all three venues so please come and join us and chat over coffee.
By the way, Autumn Ball tickets are now on sale and available to buy at each venue.
Wednesday 7 September – Céret – 10.30-12
Drop In to Pablo’s Bar in the Place Pablo Picasso. . This month we are adding to the Céret book collection by spreading the load which Janet Moore has collected at Laroque. She has received many « new » paperbacks this summer and wants to share them with our friends in Céret. Please do go along and have a look.
Monday 19 September – Laroque – 10.30-12
Our Book Exchange is at the Café des Artistes. Bring your dog-earred, sun-screen-soaked paperbacks and exchange them for some Winter reading.
Also CDs and DVDs. You can buy a coffee and take two books.
Wednesday 21 September – Ille-sur-Têt – 10-12
Lizzie’s Kitchen 16 route de Prades
We are pleased to welcome Brenda Myers as our speaker this month. She will be talking about cake decoration and will certainly be giving us a demonstration. This allows us enough time to practice our skills before the Christmas season!
Sunday 4 September At Home Caixas 3pm onwards
We hope you will join Penny and Frank in their lovely house in the hills. It’s very informal and people can relax, chat, and listen to music. Second-hand books in English, CSF goods and tickets for our Autumn Ball will be available
A buffet supper will be served from 5.30pm. Please let Penny know if you will be joining us for the supper. Any contributions to the buffet will be welcome.
Contact Penny for further details (sud-president@cancersupportfrance.org)
Sunday 11-16 September The Canal du Garonne Cycle Ride
This is an event which takes place every year and is organised by CSF. It is open to everyone across France. The cycle ride will be from Bordeaux to Toulouse. You can take part in any or all of the stages. Perhaps you would like to help or come and cheer our riders en route or at the Toulouse finishing line on September 16th.
You can find more information if you go to the csf canal du midi cycle ride Facebook page or talk to Hazel Turner (sud-secretary@cancersupportfrance.org)
Sunday 18 September CSF ACTIVITY FOR LIFE 2016 Walk for Life Une Randonnée Conviviale
Great ambiance – great views – and it’s not a race!
The 17/18 September is the Weekend de Fête in Céret. If you look at their website (http://www.rondeceretant.com ) you will see the full programme for La Rondé Cérétane. If you go to the Céret Tourist Office website you’ll see the programme for the whole weekend. (http://www.ot-ceret.fr/cer-4100.php?CatID=5&ArtID=144)
As you know CSF Sud are joining the 9km walk as part of our Activity for Life event. On Sunday, between 8 and 9.30, we will be setting off up into the hills surrounding the town.
26 walkers have registered so far, plus some non-walking supporters.
There will be a picnic after the walk and for a small donation there will be beer, wine, water, cake and coffee available to go with your own picnic.
Lynn Hall is organising this and she has put together a marvellous information sheet which tells you how, when and where to register for this very worthwhile walk (or stroll). PLEASE do contact her (lynnrhall66@gmail.com).
Friday 14 October Scottish Country Dancing Eus 3-6pm
A lively afternoon of music and dance is proposed for those of you brave enough to join us for some Scottish Country Dancing and Line Dancing.
Derek Taylor will be the caller for the dances and his band Nostalgia will provide the music. There’ll be coffee and cake to keep you going. Donations will be gratefully received by CSF and a Leukemia charity for children.
If you need more info please contact Maggie (maggie.longworth@gmail.com).
Saturday 15 October Autumn Ball Salle des Fetes Bages
The preparations for this splendid evening of fund-raising is gathering speed. The poster I sent on the 15 August has all the details. (Attachment below)
As you know, we are very much relying on you to donate gifts (unused, unopened or unwanted presents) for the Tombola stall and bottles (large or small plastic or glass unopened bottles containing anything from wine to washing-up liquid) for the Bottle stall. Please bring what you can to one of our Drop-Ins in September. Many thanks.
All the best.
Please pass this on to anyone you know who may be interested in any of these events and for further information please contact me by e-mail on deastaff@yahoo.co.uk or by phone 04 68 82 90 49.
And check out our website at csf-suddefrance.webs.com for all our future events