25th & 26th May 2013
Tour à Moto in aid of Enfants et Santé
On roule pour eux…!
On your bikes!
It’s time to join or re-join the motor biking adventures of Patrick Baudry (famous French astronaut) and crew as they ride 500km through 6 departments in 2 days raising money and awareness for Enfants et Santé : Tarn et Garonne, Tarn, Aude, Pyrénées Orientales, Ariège et Haute Garonne.
The tour leaves Montauban on 25th May at 9h30 and arrives on 26th May at 17h at AEROSCOPIA Toulouse Blagnac, popping in at the charity concert in Saint Estève on the way.
www.hog-france.fr Infos blog :tourmotoenfantsante.unblog.fr or : www.patrick-baudry.com |