Saturday 6th July 2013 – 9h to 13h
Peaceful anti-bullfighting demo in Céret
Anti bullfighting group ‘FLAC 66’ (Front 66 des Luttes pour Abolition des Corridas) invites you to a peaceful protest against this cruel bloodsport slaughter on Saturday, July 6th in Céret
Meet up at the Place de la Résistance (roundabout known as torero).
Protesters may distribute flyers and information, sign the petition and chat with passers-by about their feelings.
From 9 am until 13h, you will be able to pick up materials (banners, poster…) to help in passing on the word.
Wear your anti-bullfighting t-shirt if you have one.
More info: FLAC 66 06 24 57 87 40 |