Wednesday 22nd – Thursday 23rd November 2013
Le Grenat, Théâtre de l’Archipel, Perpignan
William Shakespeare
Adapted by David Bobee
Romeo and Juliet, that great romantic myth, a tragic love story against the backdrop of intolerance, eternal damnation. Shakespeare wrote his tragedy drama for the suburbs of Verona, David Bobee creates a Romeo an Juliet in coppery color, orange lights, urban spaces, guerrilla territories … with dancers and acrobats expressing confrontations, friendship and struggle. A modern story which paints today, yesterday and probably, alas, tomorrow. A feverish romance that mixes dance, circus and theatre!
More info: Le Théâtre de l’Archipel Avenue Général Leclerc BP 90 327 – 66003 Perpignan cedex Tel : 04 68 62 62 00 Email : |
Le Théâtre de l’Archipel
There is an exciting new addition to the Perpignan skyline. If you have been to Perpignan in the last few months you would have noticed a large construction along Avenue Général Leclerc and a giant concrete bubble. This bubble is now ‘the grenat,’ a large theatre space accommodating 1100 guests and the venue of the Théâtre de l’Archipel. Designed by renowned French architect Jean Nouvel, the theatre will bring a touch of prestige to the previously rundown edge of the city.
The new theatre and cultural precinct is designed to be an artistic & cultural hub for the city. Welcoming local and international artists, it is hoped the precinct will encourage a spirit of multiculturalism and social tolerance.
There is something for everyone in the season line-up including theatre, dance, circus, opera, classical & contemporary music, as well as a special programme for children. Some of the artists performing include Eric Cantona, Thomas Dutronc and Yael Naim. Ticket prices range from 11€ to 40€.
For ticket and performance information you can visit the theatre website: Here you will be able to read more about “the grenat” and take a virtual tour of the site.