Test your French

Français, la belle langue, can be a devil to master with all those irregular verbs, silent letters and the dreaded masculine/feminine!

If it’s all Greek to you, try your hand at the following exercises and see if you can’t impress your neighbours at the next apéro!

It’s a new look layout, but with all your usual favourites. Simply click the images to enlarge.

Answers at the bottom of the page- no cheating!

test your french

test your french

test your french

test your french

test your french

test your french

test your french

test your french

test your french

test your french

test your french


I is for idée
1e 2j 3g 4h 5i 6c 7b 8d 9a 10f

What’s new pussycat?
1b 2g 3j 4a 5i 6f 7h 8c 9d 10e

Just for fun!
1d 2g 3j 4b 5h 6f 7i 8a 9e 10c

Fill in the blanks
1f 2j 3b 4h 5i 6c 7a 8g 9d 10e

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