Nothing new but a reminder to watch out for another scam involving spam calls, sent to us by a P-O Life reader.

In this latest case, the caller, a woman spoke French with a foreign  accent, and said she was from the EDF and that the person called had recently consumed too much electricity/not paid their bill.

In order to avoid having their electricity supply cut off, they should ring the Technical Services number of the EDF on 08 99 27 19 17 or they would be cut off.

THIS IS A SCAM and connects you to the premium O8 number system which charges you a fortune, keeps you on the line as long as possible AND IS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE EDF.

If this happens to you, send a text to 33 700 with the title ‘spam vocal’ and the suspect phone number, and you will receive an acknowledgement of receipt

For any phone fraud, ring 0811 02 02 17

Watch out too for another old scam scam doing the rounds again, involving La Poste telling you they are holding a ‘colis’ or ‘lettre recommandée’ for you, and asking you to ring to organise collection.

La Poste say they NEVER call you, and your postman should always leave a note when something is being held at the post office.

Useful vocab

une technique d’escroquerie/frauduleuse – a scam

la tonalité – dialling tone

composer un numéro – to dial a number

être coupé -to be cut off

laisser sonner – let it ring

le destinataire – recipient

le correspondant – caller

décrocher/raccrocher – pick up/put down

s’afficher – to display

un numéro surtaxé– premium number

un accusé de réception – acknowledgement of receipt

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