A tongue-in-cheek look at French customer service!
Where to pick up your P-O Life mag….
Starting a business in France is more straight-forward than it used to be and Macron is promising to make it even easier. This is our guide to the different types of business and what they…
Will you be included in the next census? Click here to find out.
The Winter sales 2025 have been set by the préfecture for a period of 4 weeks.
The most common electricity contract types in France – and which one is right for you.
In addition to being an advertiser supporting this dynamic and vibrant magazine, Spectrum advisers – Philip, Sue and Derek – have agreed with P-O Life to produce articles on a quarterly basis. For our first article, we are going back to basics and providing an overview of some French bank accounts.
How and when to update your Carte Vitale
Are you aware that there are plenty of electricity suppliers to choose from, nearly all cheaper than the former state-owned EDF who are still the biggest electricity supplier on the market?
The “right to an account” , ‘le droit au compte’, ensures everyone’s right to have access to a bank account. But how does it work? What are the conditions? Click for the lowdown!