UPDATE Exchanging a UK driving licence for a French one – do you need to do it and how is it done? Find out more here.
Don’t forget to update your ‘controle technique’ (MOT)
Since 1st April (and no, it’s not an April’s Fool, we’ve checked!), you are no longer obliged to display the carte verte (green card) as proof of your vehicle’s insurance.
Risks to the environment
Every year in France more than 1,5 million de vehicles are scrapped. A VHU (véhicule hors d’usage) can pollute both ground and water, due to the various liquids.
Liber-T badge – péage without pain Motorway remote control Sitting in a queue at the motorway ‘péage’ is no fun at all. Nor is driving a right hand drive car alone, and trying to…
Importing UK cars into France has always caused headaches, with readers having very different experiences of what should have been the same process even before the complications of leaving the EU. Now, in this post-Brexit era, what are the rules and regulations?
It appears readers are having very different experiences when it comes to importing and registering a foreign (European) car in France. Have you got information to share that could help others?
It appears readers are having very different experiences when it comes to importing and registering a foreign (European) car in France. Have you got information to share that could help others?
The French government has issued an extension for contrôle technique’s due on light vehicles during the confinement period.
The free government site HistoVec (https://histovec.interieur.gouv.fr) has been launched by road safety authority Sécurité Routière to reduce risk when buying a second-hand car.