We take you through the French health system and how to access healthcare in France via PUMA if you are a permanent resident (EU citizen or otherwise) whatever your employment status .
The Dossier Medical Partagé (DMP) is a free, confidential and secure health record that stores your information in one centralised, digital location.
The Pyrénées-Orientales are a wonderful place to spend your retirement but as you get older, you may need to consider additional support. Here’s our guide to some of the key considerations for growing old in France.
Sauv’Life- an app that could be a matter of life or death will guide volunteers in the viccinty to administer emergency first aid to heart attack sufferers
Can’t find a doctor or a dentist because no one seems to be taking on new patients?
If you are a resident of France, you should be registered with a specific doctor, a médecin traitant. If you do not have a nominated GP, you will receive less money back from the Assurance Maladie (National Health) via your carte vitale.
Building on the principle of the dossier médical partagé (DMP), the new(ish) online health platform, Mon espace santé, is recent initiative from the French Ministry of Health.
How and when to update your Carte Vitale
All patients in France should be offered the possibility of a tele-consultation, especially those with mobility problems.
A complémentaire santé (or mutuelle, the old fashioned way of saying the same thing) is a policy which reimburses medical costs not covered by the Social Security.