- This event has passed.
15th February 2016 - 17th February 2016

Hello Everyone
Many people are encouraged by promises of good weather and historically I suppose this area has been blessed with sun from May to September! The holiday season is almost upon us. This is when we start mentally preparing ourselves for heavy traffic, crowded supermarkets, gridlock in our local market and the delightful sound of a mobylette revving up at 11.30 at night.
By hey, let’s look on the bright side and consider ourselves lucky that around this time of year the holes in the road get mended, cycle paths get signposted, yellow markers on our walking routes get a lick of paint and our favourite beach-bar restaurant is open for business again! Best of all, Perpignan Airport is almost finished!!
Wednesday 1 June – Céret – 10.30-12
Drop In to Pablo’s Bar in the Place Pablo Picasso. Do come to the bar, sit outside and have a coffee, browse through the books and chat to friends and members. Bring your visitors and take a tour around the village.
Wednesday 15 June – Ille-sur-Têt – 10-12
Drop In to Lizzie’s Kitchen at 16 Route de Prades Tea, coffee and cakes will be on offer as usual.
Monday 20 June – Laroque – 10.30-12
Our Book Exchange is at the Café des Artistes. Please bring your paperbacks, CDs and DVDs. You can buy a coffee and take two books. CSF members are always on hand. Bring friends and family, sit outside and stay for lunch!
Sunday 4 September At Home Caixas
Penny and Frank will be welcoming us into their home once again.
Sunday 11-16 September The Canal du Garonne Cycle Ride
This is an event which takes place every year and is organised by CSF. It is open to everyone across France. The cycle ride will be from Bordeaux to Toulouse.
You can take part in any or all of the stages. Perhaps you would like to help or come and cheer our riders en route or at the Toulouse finishing line on September 16th.
You can find lots of information if you go to the csf canal du midi cycle ride Facebook page.
Hazel Turner can give you more details (sud-secretary@cancersupportfrance.org) or you can register your interest by either contacting Sasha on admin@cancersupport.org or going to www.activityforlife.fr
Sunday 18 September CSF ACTIVITY FOR LIFE 2016
As you know, the ‘Walk For Life’ theme has been broadened to include as many activities as possible in as many of the 13 CSF associations throughout France as we can.
Here in the P.O. we have chosen to do a walk in Céret and we very much hope you will participate, help or just come along and have some fun supporting CSF.
Walk for Life Une Randonnée Conviviale
If you look at their website, you will see that La Rondé Cérétane has a lot to offer over the weekend of 17-18 September. (http://www.rondeceretane.com)
CSF is joining a walk in Céret. I’m sure most of you know the town of Céret but if you haven’t been up into the surrounding hills why not join us on a hike.
We plan to meet up in a garden in Céret for some refreshments before the start which can be anytime between 7.30 and 9am. Then it’s off on a 9km walk of moderate difficulty, with a few small hills, nothing more. The walk must finish at noon.
We will then gather again in the garden for a group picnic when water, wine and homemade cakes will be available . There will be a buvette at the halfway point and a free
tee shirt at the finish. There’s a small sign-up fee of €9.
If you’re interested in signing up or would like more details, please contact Lynn Hall (lynnrhall66@gmail.com).
Friday 14 October Scottish Country Dancing Eus 3-6pm
A lively afternoon of music and dance is proposed for those of you brave enough to join us for some Scottish Country Dancing and Line Dancing. So take your partners please!
Derek Taylor will be the caller for the dances and his band Nostalgia will provide the music. There’ll be coffee and cake to keep you going. Donations will be gratefully received by CSF (and another charity t.b.c.)
If you need more info please contact Maggie (maggie.longworth@gmail.com).
Saturday 15 October Autumn Ball Bages
We always enjoy this annual event and last year was particularly successful. It’s a splendid evening of fund-raising with prizes, music and dancing and of course our band, Zircon who have been booked again for this year! Don’t miss it – you’ve had plenty of warning – put it in your diary.
Diana Eastaff