- This event has passed.
1st March 2024 - 31st March 2024
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Hello Everyone
There were a few drops of rain today and the snow on Canigou was thick and white. Just as the school holidays are ending, the temperature has dropped and I’m back wearing my thick coat.
Power walking around the forest, I looked up at the poor old pine trees, denuded by a fierce fire last year, and tripped over a tree root. I stayed upright by doing a sort of long jump leap and I stood there, a bit out of breath, but actually congratulating myself for not falling flat on my face. That’ll teach me not to walk with my hands in my pockets!
The cold temperatures mean that we can light the fire around 5.30 in the afternoon so I guess life really isn’t that bad.
Drop Ins
Wednesday 6 March, Pablo’s Bar, Céret, 10.30
Sorry to say there will be no Drop In at Laroque on March 18th.
Wednesday 20 March, Villa Lafabrègue, Prades, 10.15
And now ….Two events on the same day!
Palais des Congrès -Perpignan
This Conference aims to present to the general public the various preventative measures, the latest therapeutic advances and the support offered to the patients and their relatives throughout the course of cancer care.
CSF has a stand at this Conference. It’s an afternoon event and please do have a look at the PROGRAMME-LES PRINTEMPS-perpignan 2024. You can stay the whole afternoon and choose whichever talks take your fancy.
Thursday 21 March Mars Bleu Clinique St Pierre Perpignan 11 – 4pm
This event aims to raise awareness of bowel cancer screening in France where bowel cancer is the second most common cause of death by cancer.
CSF will have a stand at this event and our volunteers will be talking to medical staff and visitors in order to raise awareness of our association, which provides support not only for the British community, but also for other Anglophones and people of other nationalities whose second language is English.
Looking ahead
Thursday 25 April Activity for Life Oms
Our Walk for Life will be in Oms this year and as you see it will be a Spring Walk rather than a Summer one!
In the morning there will be two walks and a friendly pétanque tournament, for which there is a 5€ registration fee.
There will be a bar and cakes and savouries. Bring a picnic and join in the fun. Oms is a lovely village not far from Céret.
Please have a look at the poster for full details.
Tuesday 7 May Spring Open Meeting Céret
This is our informal meeting which we have every year around this time. I always call it a get-together because it’s really a chance to meet up with friends, learn a bit about what’s going on in the CSF calendar, listen to an entertaining speaker and then relax and chat over a nice lunch.
I’m pleased to tell you that we have changed the venue – this time we will meet chez Guy Molas. His restaurant is on the road between St Jean-Plat-de-Corts and Céret and it’s a delightful little place with a terrace and a lovely view.
Our speaker is a gentleman called Fred Browne who was a consultant psychiatrist in Belfast during the Troubles and has seen many changes, both professionally and personally.
There will be more about this meeting (and the lunch) later but please do put the date in your diary.
Saturday 5 October Fête October Rose 12 noon
Our Autumn event this year will be a LUNCH AT THE DOMAINE MAS ALART. This vineyard, set in the heart of the Roussillon plain, has been there since 1897.
As you know, the Octobre Rose campaign makes it possible to raise awareness and inform and encourage screening in the fight against breast cancer.
As our event takes place at this particular time of year, we thought it would be appropriate to name it Fête October Rose.
The afternoon will begin with a fizzy apéro and continue with lunch and then dessert. Wine will be served of course and there will be music from our friends Zircon. Dancing will be encouraged. There will be prizes to be won – a tombola and a surprise draw. Fun for everyone.
Entrance by ticket only and the cost is 20€. Watch this space for more details and make a note of the date.
Please remember that if anyone is struggling or needing help, the CSF telephone and email helplines are always open. We are there for everyone needing assistance at this time as well as for those affected by cancer. There is also lots of information on our website. |
Diana Eastaff