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14th October 2017 - 30th October 2017


CSF Seperated Logos_Flower

Hello Everyone
A spell of late summer is upon us just as I was about to unfold the winter duvet. 

I notice that although the long slender stems of the agapanthuses bend and sway quite furiously in the wind, their bobbing heads are holding on tightly to their little black seeds.  Nature is telling them not to let go yet but wait for cooler, wetter weather.


Have you noticed the luminous light that everyone talks about in hushed tones?  It’s why so many painters settled here.  You can spot it now especially in the afternoon.  The sun at this time of year sits low in the sky and casts that yellow/orange glow over everything.  
Good weather was critical for our WALK FOR LIFE event which took place in Maureillas on Sunday 10th September.  If you can remember that far back, it poured with rain the day before and setting up in the Aire de Loisirs du Prat de Farga was a rather soggy and wet affair.  The organisers remained positive though and their faith in the weather forecast was well-rewarded.  Sunday was a bright and sunny day with enough wind to keep the clouds away.  There were plenty of people who took their sponsorship seriously – we walked, we picnicked, we raised money and a great time was had by all.  Please have a look at this article in Le Petit Journal Catalan and you’ll see what I mean.
CHRISTMAS CARDS are now available.  Designs for 2017 can be viewed  on our website, and can be ordered or picked up at local events.
The Drop-Ins this month:
Wednesday 4 October    –    Céret    –    10.30-12
The venue is Pablo’s Bar in the Place Pablo Picasso.  Autumn Ball tickets will be on sale – your last chance before the 14th!  (see below)
Books and DVDs are always available here as well as all the CSF goodies. 
Monday16 October   –    Laroque    –    10.30-12    
At the Café des Artistes there’s always a good turn-over of paperbacks, English and French.  Also CDs and DVDs.  You can buy a coffee and take two books. 
Wednesday 18 October –  Lizzie’s Kitchen  –  Ile sur Têt  –   10-12
A couple of dates to put in your diary for Lizzie’s Kitchen.  
Firstly, this month, Lynn Hall will be talking about Mediterranean gardens in Autumn.
Next month, on November 15th, Jan West talking about flamenco dancing.  There’ll be a demonstration and an introduction to some of the basic steps.  Bring you dancing shoes!

Saturday 14 October     AUTUMN BALL Bages 7.30pm

TICKETS ARE ON SALE NOW – contact me or Claudia (clatsch07@gmail.com) or buy them at the Céret Drop-In.
Every year we hold our Annual Autumn Ball, primarily to raise the profile of Cancer Support France throughout the Pyrénées-Orientales and beyond but also to raise money by selling tickets and, on the day, by encouraging everyone to try their luck on the tombola and the bottle stall and to bid for one of our super Promises at our Grand Auction.  The Promises take the form of « gifts » very kindly donated by local people – a restaurant meal;  family tickets for the Argeles Adventure Park;  a portrait sitting by a local artist;  a portrait of your dog;  two beautiful hand-woven quilts;  a trip on an 18ft sailing boat;  a Reiki session (*)
Our Master of Ceremonies will guide you through the evening. There’s music from the band Zircon and a Tapas-style meal with wine.  If you come with friends we can make sure that a table is reserved for you.  €15 includes your meal + dessert and a glass of wine.  There will be a bar serving drinks.  
We still need bottles for our Bottle Stall and prizes for our Tombola and we’d be very grateful if you could bring them along to the Céret Drop-In or just email me and I’ll try and arrange a pick up.
( * Reiki (ray-key) is Japanese for ‘universal life energy’ and is also a word used to describe a system of natural healing of the mind, body and spirit.)


Thursday 30 November SCOTTISH & COUNTRY DANCING   Eus 
St Andrews Day Maison du Temps Libre 7 – Midnight
This is an evening of music and dance – Scottish, country and disco.   There will be a cold buffet with a glass of wine.  Also a bottle stall and ‘Roll a Euro’ which could win you either a bottle of whisky or champagne!  
All this for only €10.  The money raised from our event will be divided between CSF and Resto Du Coeur.  
Tickets are on sale NOW until the beginning of November and remember numbers are limited to 70 so please contact Maggie (maggie.longworth@gmail.com) or Gill (gillharrison66@gmail.com) asap!
Thursday 23 November VAINCRE LE CANCER Perpignan 2 – 7pm 
The date for « Vaincre le Cancer – une journée d’information et d’échange” at the Palais des Congrès has been confirmed.  We have always been invited to have a stand there,
along with other associations like La Ligue contre le cancer.  
It’s an Open Afternoon attended by members of the public and the medical profession who come to hear experts talk and share their experiences.  
One is free to pick and choose whichever talk you wish to attend.  The full programme for the day will be in next month’s newsletter.
The CHRISTMAS MARKET at St-Jean-Pla-de-Corts will be taking place as usual this year.  No date has been fixed yet but it’s likely to be end of November/beginning of December.  Confirmation next month.
March/April 2018 INFORMATION DAY
We are inviting members to join the Active Listener Training Day in March/April next year.  It has been decided to introduce a half-day for new members so that they better understand CSF and what we do.  
The Active Listeners will come for their training day and members will join in with the first half of the day dedicated to talking about CSF and what it does, plus a little demo of active listening.  Members will be able to talk to trained Active Listeners, gaining knowledge of the role of the Active Listener.  Ample time will be given for questions.
After lunch the members will leave and the ALs will have a couple of hours training. 
Are you interested in finding out more about what CSF does?  If so please let me know by email and I’ll put your name on the list.
A big thank you for all your support over the summer and I look forward to seeing you at the Autumn Ball.
Diana Eastaff

Please pass this on to anyone you know who may be interested in any of these events and for further information please contact me by e-mail on deastaff@yahoo.co.uk or by phone 04 68 82 90 49.

And check out our website at csf-suddefrance.webs.com for all our future events


14th October 2017
30th October 2017
Event Category:


Around the Region