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Living Nativity in Bascara

17th December 2023 - 7th January 2024

El Pessebre de Bàscara (near Figueres) 

El Pessebre de Bàscara” tries to recapture the idea and atmosphere of the nativity scenes that the Catalans used to traditionally create in their homes.


They became popular after the French Revolution of 1789 when churches were closed and Nativity scenes were banned. People started to  “bring religion home” by setting up crèches in their own homes, a tradition previously reserved for the rich.

The nativity of Bascara replicate the scenes that were once made with clay figures, but with real life people  animals and materials.


Described as a ‘living revival of the birth of Jesus within a large space with springs and caves, steep rocky cliffs, unusual vegetation and watered by the waters of the river Fluvià’, fragments of the daily life of Palestine from 2000 years ago are represented throughout the village.

In the medieval style streets and buildings,  300 people from the town of Bàscara and its outlying areas represent the nativity.


Even for the non religious these live ‘pessebres’ are a fascinating cultural event that both believers and non believers will enjoy.


This live nativity scene in Bàscara takes place in the town’s old quarter and also on the right bank of the Fluvià river. The series of living tableaux depicting the birth of Christ and the Christmas story is well worth the short journey to Bascara, a pretty and interesting town on the N11 just south of Figueres.

2022 – 2023

The dates for this years’ events are  17th,  23rd. 25th, 30th  December and January 1st and 7th, starting at 7pm.
Tickets can be bought on site.


17th December 2023
7th January 2024
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Unnamed Organiser
00 34 972 56 00 07