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Literature Salon, Prats de Mollo
6th August 2016

For it’s 9th Edition, the Literature Salon* in Prats de Mollo will take as it’s theme: “Women between the lines”.
From 9am to 6pm on Saturday 6th August, Prats de Mollo will host it’s 9th Annual Literary Salon. Bringing together over 20 authors and 7 editors, this is a veritable feast for lovers of the written arts. Clearly a fairly good understanding of the French language is required to get the most out of the conferences and discussions, but with workshops, exhibitions and even free salsa lessons, there is truly something for everyone.

9am-6pm : Stands of authors and editors open for perusal and discussion
12.30pm : Apératif hosted by event organisers and spoken word group, Ténérife
3pm : Free salsa initiation
4pm : Nicole Yrle’s “La Femme entre les Lignes”. In this talk, Laureat author of Le Grand Concours Litéraire du Monde Francophone 2008, will discuss the obstacles, advantages, pleasures and dangers that face female authors, characters and readers.
5pm : Jean-Claude Prujat’s “Yolande d’Aragon”. In this unique, biographical talk, Prats de Mollo local literarute hero, Prujat, presents a fascinating, historical account of an emblematic women in the Medieval struggles between France and England (most notably, the financing of Joan of Arc’s army in 1429).
A periodic gathering of people of social or intellectual distinction, fashionable during the reign of Louis XIV in 17th Century Paris.