A medieval detour to Besalu WALK THE REGION WITH CHRISTIAN PIQUEMAL This outing in Spanish Catalonia combines easy rambling and cultural discovery. The morning walk explores, almost on plain level, a beautiful countryside hiding remarkable…
This classic tour of the Capcir plateau follows good footpaths, waymarked in yellow and takes around 6 hours, starting and ending in Les Angles village centre
with Tim and Chris Parker This is a very good circular walk from the Chateau de Valmy near Argeles. Total distance 12 km with approx 720m of ascent. Allow 5 hours including stops to take in…
“Molló Parc” – new park for nature lovers After several years of work, 12 hectares of la Berneda, in the valley of Camprodon, 7km from *Prats de Mollo, has been transformed into an animal…
Walter Benjamin Inaugural Walk 24th June 2007 By 9 am a mighty crowd including me and Phil and our good friend Ellen Hall, had gathered in front of the town hall of Banyuls sur…