There are still lovely tomatoes in the markets in this part of the world. We are so lucky to live in the Pyrénées-Orientales!
National police forces are alerting the public to the fact that emails carrying the logos of the gendarmerie, the ministère de l’Intérieur and the République française are requesting urgent replies with personal data
They might not all be a pulsing whirl of excitement – some are only small gatherings scantily attended – but it’s a great way to support the local producers.
Everyone loves a vide-grenier! Check out these dates and let us know if we’ve missed any.
Each year, to celebrate Saint Eloi, patron saint of goldsmiths, metalworkers, and coin collectors, Perpignan showcases the grenat, (garnet) and the jewellers and craftspeople who work with this iconic jewel.
Take a walk in Argelès in the footsteps of the Retirada on the ’circuit de la Mémoire’. to mark the 85th anniversary of the opening of the camp on the beach.
If you are a resident of France, you should be registered with a specific doctor, a médecin traitant. If you do not have a nominated GP, you will receive less money back from the Assurance Maladie (National Health) via your carte vitale.
After the northern part of Catalonia was ceded to the French in 1659, Catalan was initially still used for official documents to avoid stirring up resentment.
P-O Naturally – Test your Knowledge!
Building on the principle of the dossier médical partagé (DMP), the new(ish) online health platform, Mon espace santé, is recent initiative from the French Ministry of Health.