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The CD multi currency card is available now until the end of March for  existing clients and will soon be available for all new clients when they register. 

Currencies Direct Launch Multi Currency Card

The card is backed by Mastercard and works in exactly the same way as any other Debit Card.  It’s linked to the client’s virtual wallet and can be loaded with 4 currencies (GBP, EUR, USD and AUD).  Other currencies will be added in due course.

Funds can be spent in the currency available (e.g. if a client based in the UK buys EUR, USD and AUD and then holidays in France all of their debit card spent will be drawn from their EUR balance, then if they go off to the USA their spend will be drawn in USD etc..).

Other currencies can be spent but will be converted in real time rates (e.g. the British client then goes to Thailand and spends Thai Baht, the conversion will be done at the rate of exchange at that time and drawn from their GBP balance).  NB:  Their wallet must be funded – a client cannot use the card if they have a zero balance in their CD account..

Need a chat about moving your money around? Contact Alastair on to find out more about  the latest news or how it could impact your currency transfers, or chat to regional representative Fiona Warren
Tel: +33 (0) 631 87 98 80



Selling Your Property in France?

One key benefit for those who are selling and moving away from France is that Currencies Direct holds a euro account here in France. This makes life so much easier for anyone selling! You register with Currencies Direct, receive your CD account number and the RIB for their Paris based Euro account, which you pass on to your Notaire as your instruction for onforwarding of sale proceeds.

Currencies Direct receive the euros, convert at the agreed exchange rate and forward on to their destination bank account – wherever they are in the world. Simple, easy and very efficient…

Currencies Direct cite the example of a lady who has recently moved back to the UK – her funds are stuck in her French bank account who are insisting that she visits the branch in person to close her account but she is unwell and unable to travel.

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