- This event has passed.
1st April 2020 - 30th April 2020

Hello Everyone
On a long journey in the car, there’s a game we used to play with my 3-year-old grandson – spot the red cars. It made the time pass quickly. We’re now into our seventh week of confinement and cars are still few and far between but there’s no shortage of ingenious ways to distract us, occupy us, keep us fit and keep us happy. Plus, some of us Luddites are crawling out of our dusty caves and using things like Zoom, FaceTime and Skype to speak to much missed friends and family.
The other day I zipped up my anorak and went on a mission to photograph every wild flower within the 1km proximity of my house – did you know that there are at least three different kinds of pine cones in a pine forest?
We all have different pursuits and pleasures. Crosswords, codewords, Sudoku, box-set bingeing, swapping recipes and poems, cheeky photos and videos. InstructorLive gets you pilates, yoga and dance workouts in your sitting room. Jigsaw puzzles! You can actually do these online – 8 or 1000 pieces – try to avoid sites with too many pop-ups or ads.
The initial buzz I got from going masked and gloved into a supermarket, didn’t last. I spent the next day worrying about every sniff and cough, thinking I’d picked something up from all the unmasked, fearless people who didn’t seem to know about social distancing. By the way, I put my anorak back on and made a short film of my wild flower expedition. iMovies, another app with which to while away the hours!
Thursday 10th September Activity for Life Maureillas
Our Walk for Life will take place again this year. We have still not been able to confirm the date with the Mairie at Mareillas. More on this soon.
Wednesday 23rd September Cycle For Life 2020 Rochefort to Angoulême
As you know, Cycle for Life has been postponed untill September. Although we will continue using the Flow Vélo route, the ride will now take place over 4 days starting on Wednesday 23rd September in Rochefort and ending in Angoulême on Saturday lunchtime with a welcome.
We will continue with the overnight stops as before, at St Savinien and Cognac, arriving in Angoulême on Friday evening 25th. On the morning of Saturday 26th there will be a local short ride organised around the area, rather as we did at Agde a couple of years ago. That means people can set off home or may even take the chance to stay on for a long weekend.
Saturday 17th October Autumn Ball
This is the date for our next Autumn Ball which will be in Bages again this year. Please put it in your diary!
At our AGM in January 2019 we celebrated the 10th anniversary of CSF Sud. We started off with a round-up of the first 10 years, followed by what to expect in the coming year and we finished up with Penny relinquishing her role as President.
This year at the AGM we welcomed back as our speaker Dr Martin Christlieb from the Department of Oncology at Oxford University. He spoke about clinical trials of new treatments and how to measure their effectiveness. It’s quite a long video but Martin is excited by his research and this makes his presentation both informative and entertaining.
We thought you would like to use this period of peace and solitude to watch the video recordings: the first is 10 minutes and the second is a bit longer 45 minutes. Follow the link, then scroll down to Sud de France Menu and under Photo & Video Gallery you’ll find both videos.
Also, read at your leisure the April Touchlines
My very best wishes to you all.
Diana Eastaff