Traffic Jams at Garages in Preparation for New Controle Technique
Although the proposed reforms to the contrôle technique (French MOT) were suspended for 6 months following the gilets jaunes protests last year, as of the 1st July 2019, new changes will be imposed.
This fast-approaching date has led to traffic jams in garages as motorists try to certify their vehicles before the changes are brought in. And as temperatures rise, tempers flare… be warned!
What’s changing?
Specifically targeting exhaust emissions, drivers of older diesel cars are most likely to feel the pinch but the range of reforms could see many of us paying more to make our cars roadworthy.
In line with rising eco-awareness, the European standards applied in terms of verifying the pollution emitted by exhaust pipes will be drastic.
Each car must remain under the emission threshold that is marked on its chassis. However this number is calculated for a new engine and becomes much harder to stick to as the car gets older, particularly for diesels used to city driving!
The current contrôle technique covers 123 checks which are capable of identifying just over 400 faults. As of 1st July, the new contrôle technique will check 131 parts and could flag up over 600 faults.
This more thorough examination obviously requires more time from the mechanic, who is consequently obliged to up his/her prices.
Combined with the longer delays in securing an appointment and the threat of higher repair bills, many garages have been subjected to insults and aggression.
If your vehicle is due to pass its contrôle technique in the next few months, leave yourself plenty of time to make an appointment and remember that garages are not (necessarily) the bad guys… Like you, they have to abide by the new regulations.