Still haven’t got round to applying for your Carte de Séjour? Ne vous inquiètez pas!
Remain in France Together (RIFT) has this week been reassured by the French Ministry of the Interior and British Embassy in Paris that this post Brexit residency card will not be obligatory until October 2021.
Despite repeated date changes, it seems that the website for applications will now go live on Monday 19th October 2020, with a deadline of 30th June 2021 for applications to be made and October 2021 to actually possession of the card.
This ‘simplified’ system for dealing with applications from the 152,000 plus British citizens living in the country will hopefully “facilitate the formalities that British people and members of their families will have to carry out”.
If you are a British citizen or family member of a British citizen and you have already applied for a residence permit on the no-deal Brexit website between October 2019 and January 2020, you do not need to make a new online application. Your application has already been taken into account and will be processed by the local prefecture before the obligation to hold a residence permit becomes enforceable.
If you don’t already live in France you have until this date to become resident in order to benefit from the terms of the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement and secure the residency rights that it accords.
New arrivals who register as jobseekers will receive a six-month card renewable once, allowing up to one year to find work.
Good time to get married? If your husband or wife is French, you will be entitled to a 10 year carte de Séjour immediately.
If you already have a permanent carte de séjour, you will simply need to upload a copy along with your passport.
No need to queue at the prefecture. Your card will be sent directly to your home address. (Photos and fingerprints will still require your presence at the prefecture however)

Where do I find the form to apply I already have a carte Dr sejour but I need to apply to change it by June 31st 2021
Please can you give me details of web site.
Thank you
Hi Linda
All information about cartes de séjour go through the local prefecture. Info can be found on the website here: . The required paperwork will depend on which card you currently have and your circumstances.