Cancer Support France – Sud de France
There will be NO Céret Drop In on the 19th September at Pablo’s Bar.
On that day, Fanny and Chris are generously hosting a Coffee Morning for CSF at their home on the Avenue d’Espagne in Céret. The Coffee Morning will run from 10.30am to 12 noon. You will find a Bring and Buy stall as well as English books, home made produce and more. The CSF signboard will be outside the house so you won’t miss it!
Come along for coffee and a chat with any good condition books or small items for the Bring and Buy.
Also in September, we shall be at the Café des Artistes in Laroque des Albères on Tuesday 25th from 10.30am til 12 noon with books and some of Colin Dunster’s paintings and on Thursday 27th Lizzie of Lizzie’s Kitchen in Ille sur Têt is putting on a light lunch for us at a cost of €12 to include a glass of wine.
For more information please contact Penny for further details or directions at or on 0468 388 128 |