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AT A GLANCE August 2024

1st August 2024 - 31st August 2024

Anne Reymond

Around the region August 2024

Throughout the yearFairs and festivals around the region, little and large, celebrating every imaginable ‘produit de terroir’.
Throughout the yearCatch a bargain or get rid of your junk at one of the many vide-greniers across the region.
Throughout AugustAfter the heat of the day recedes, enjoy a stroll through one of the region’s many night markets.
Throughout AugustDrought and weather permitting, firework displays light up the P-O skies throughout summer. 
Throughout August
Centre d’art contemporain, Perpignan
The Threat of an Ideal. Summer exhibition from Sylvie Dubal. Website.
Throughout August
Château Lauriga, Ponteilla
Summer wine events. Enjoy wine & cheese tastings, musical apéros and more at Château Lauriga this summer. Find out more here.
Throughout August
Saint Cyprien
Summer Saint Cyprien Style. A wide range of activities, events, workshops, markets and more… Find out more here.
Every Monday, 9.30pm
Place de la Martinique, Le Barcarès
Les lundis du jazz. Free outdoor jazz concerts. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Every Tuesday, 4.30pm
Musée d’art moderne, Collioure
Guided tour in English of the summer exhibition, Plein Soleil.
Every Tuesday, 6pm
Les soirées rayonnantes. Concerts in the main squares (places Verdun, Gambetta & République), followed by light and sound show at 10.30pm. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Every Wednesday, 8pm
Place Picasso, Céret
Les mercredis Place Picasso. Every Wednesday head to Place Picasso for a free live concert from different artists. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Every Thursday, 4.30pm
Musée d’art moderne, Collioure
Guided tour in English of the summer exhibition, Plein Soleil.
Every Thursday, 6pm
Grand Stade les Capellans, Saint Cyprien
Les jeudis de Grand Stade. Every Thursday enjoy music, food trucks, Zumba and more… Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Every Thursday, 8.30pm
Les soirées rayonnantes. Concerts in the main squares (places Verdun, Gambetta & République), followed by light and sound show at 10.30pm. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Every Friday, 7pm
Le Boulou
Les venderdis du Boulou. Music, entertainment, open-air cinema… welcome in the weekend in le Boulou. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Every Friday, 8pm
Place de la République, Argelès sur Mer
Les vendredis tradi. Welcome in the weekend with traditional Catalan music and Sardanes. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Evry Friday, 9pm
Musée d’art moderne, Céret
Les vendredis du jazz. Live jazz concerts among the incredible art works of the modern art museum in Céret. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Every Saturday, 6.30pm
Argelès Village
Les samedis au village. Carnavals, parades, street theatre… head to the village for an evening of outdoor entertainment. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Thursday 1st
Fête du Babou. Medieval festival with reenactments, jousting, markets, concerts, parades and more… Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Thursday 1st
Musée de la Préhistoire, Tautavel
Astronomie festival. Head to the prehistory museum for incredible archeological artefacts and a very special festival of the stars. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Thursday 1st – Sunday 4th
Banyuls sur Mer
Festival de Sardanes. Catalan music & dancing, Havaneres (sea shanties) and more… Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Thursday 1st – Sunday 4th
Festival Jazz en Tech.
Thursday 1st – Monday 5th
Palau del Vidre
Festival international du verre.
Thursday 1st – Thursday 8th
Le Conflent
Festival Pablo Casals.
Thursday 1st – Thursday 15th
Saint Paul de Fenouiller
Festival des Arts. Spilling over from July, the performance arts festival continues. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Thursday 1st – Sunday 18th
Têt en Fête. From 6th July to 18th August, head to the banks of the river Têt for gerat food, live music, entertainment and more. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Thursday 1st – Tuesday 20th
Vineyards across the P-O
Amusikenvignes. Live music from rising musical stars followed by tastings ay vineyards across the P-O and into the Aude. Programme.
Friday 2nd, 5pm
Canet en Roussillon
Fête des pirates. Swashbuckling good fun for the whole family. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Friday 2nd, 6pm
Eglise Saint Jean Baptiste, Banyuls sur Mer
Concert les Amis d’Alain Marinaro. Teen choir performance. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Friday 2nd, 6pm
Espace Cazenove, Latour de France
Estivales en Fenouillèdes.
Friday 2nd, 7pm
Etang, Saint Estève
Fête de la Saint Etienne. Summer celebration on the banks of the lake with foodtruck, orchestra DJ and more… Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Friday 2nd, 9pm
Espace Daniel Tosi, Llupia
Orchestre symphonique Perpignan Catalogne. The department’s finest symphonic orchestra performs in the hall named after their conductor, Daniel Tosi. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Saturday 3rd – Sunday 4th
Grande Fête d’Eté.  Music, dancing and parade and blessing of the horses (Sunday) with horsey entertainment. More info: 04 68 22 54 56  oma@alenya.fr
Sunday 4th, 6pm
Jardin des Plantes, Saint Cyprien
Jardin en scène. Live, acoustic concert in the shade of the botanical gardens. Free for St Cyp residents. 3€ for non-residents. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Tuesday 6th, 4.30pm
Cloisters, St Génis des Fontaines
Cello recital. Talented cellist, Magdalène Risel performs in the beautiful cloisters. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Tuesday 6th – Wednesday 7th
Théâtre de la Mer, Canet en Roussillon
Sun & Sea. Free concerts including tributes to Sinatra and Amy Winehouse, big brass bands, 80s classics and more… Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Thursday 8th – Sunday 11th
Amélie les Bains
Festival des danses et musiques du monde. Annual festival celebrating dance and music traditions from around the world. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Friday 9th, 6pm
Salle des Fêtes, Le Vivier
Estivales en Fenouillèdes.
Friday 9th from 18h
Parc des caves Ecoiffier, Alenya
Nuit Andalouse Learn to Rumba, taste tapas sangria and finish the evening with a flamenca show. FREE More info: 04 68 22 54 56 oma@alenya.fr
Friday 9th – Saturday 10th
Banyuls sur Mer
Parle-moi de la mer. 2 days of activities and workshops between land and sea. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Sunday 11th – Friday 16th
Prieuré de Marcevol
Festival de musique ancienne. Enjoy a festival based around ancient music, but also including cooking workshops, yoga and more. This year’s theme: Italy. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Monday 12th, 6pm
Terre des Templiers, Banyuls sur Mer
Concert les Amis d’Alain Marinaro. Jazz piano. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Monday 12th – Tuesday 13th
Théâtre de la Mer, Canet en Roussillon
Sun & Sea. Free concerts including tributes to Sinatra and Amy Winehouse, big brass bands, 80s classics and more… Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Monday 12th – Tuesday 13th
Marché des potiers.
Monday 12th – Friday 16th
Cathédrale St Jean Baptiste, Perpignan
Bell Ringing Festival.
Tuesday 13th – Sunday 22nd September
Across the P-O
Courts circuits 66. Ambulant film festival with screenings, events concerts and workshops at different venues across the P-O. Programme.
Wednesday 14th – Thursday 15th
Banyuls sur Mer
Marché des potiers.
Thursday 15th, 5pm
Abbaye St Martin du Canigou, Casteil
Canticel Concert.
Friday 16th, 6pm
Eglise, Caduiès de Fenouillèdes
Estivales en Fenouillèdes.
Friday 16th – Saturday 17th
Maison du Temps Libre, Eus
Mès de Jazz. 2 days of jazz in Eus. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Sunday 18th, 5pm
Abbaye Ste Marie, Arles sur Tech
Canticel Concert.
Tuesday 20th, 10am
Perpignan I Discover You. Guided tour in English of Perpignan’s historic centre. 7€. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Tuesday 20th, 9.30pm
Canet en Roussillon
Old Jazz Sextet. Free jazz concert in Canet village. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Thursday 22nd – Friday 23rd
Amélie les Bains
Festival les Inédits. Street performance festival with entertainment for the whole family. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Thursday 22nd – Sunday 25th
Festa Major. The town’s annual summer celebration, including music, food and fireworks.  Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Friday 23rd, 6pm
Eglise, Caduiès de Fenouillèdes

Estivales en Fenouillèdes.
Friday 23rd, 7pm
Place République, Le Barcarès
Bodega del mar. Street party in Barcarès. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Friday 23rd – Tuesday 27th
Le Petit Festival de la Côte Vermeille. A fun and informative festival of how to manage fire risk along our beautiful coastline. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Saturday 24th – Sunday 25th
Cave Ecoiffier, Alénya
P-O Afro Descendants Festival. A festival focusing on the culture of Afro-descendants and the Catalan region, with the aim of fostering exchange, intercultural dialogue, mutual understanding and links between these two distinct cultural heritages. Contact the Office de Tourisme for more info.
Saturday 24th – Sunday 25th
Saint Cyprien
Kite Festival.
Sunday 25th, 5pm
Eglise, Mont Louis
Canticel Concert.
Saturday 31st – Sunday 15th September
VISA pour l’Image.


*Photo credit: Tourisme Conflent Canigou



Pyrenees Orientales