Boating and Sailing
Every imaginable type of sailing and boating is available in the Pyrenées Orientales but regulations for piloting boats are very different in France so bear in mind the following before you plan a boating or sailing holiday.
Requirements for piloting a boat in France
☛ You must be over 16 to pilot a boat over 6 CV (chevaux) and you must have a boat licence permis bateau unless your boat is British registered.
☛ Under 6CV you will not get very far very fast so if you’re hoping to cover more than a few kilometres in an afternoon (especially on a windy day) consider taking your boat licence. This will enable you to hire or pilot various craft depending on the test you take.
Boating exams and licences
There are 3 types of licence
☛ La Carte Mer
This will allow you to pilot a power boat of up to 50CV but you may not go out further than 5 miles (9 klm) from the coast and only during the day. The exam is composed of both a practical and a theory test
☛ Le Permis Cotier: This licence allows you to pilot any boat, of any length or power, both day and night as long as you remain within 5 miles of the coast. The exam is also composed of both a practical and a theory test
☛ Le Permis Hauturier: This licence allows you to pilot any ship or boat of any power or size both day and night with no limit on distance from the coast. The exam is composed of a practical test, a theory test and navigational map reading skills.
☛ Extension Hauturier: This licence allows you to pilot any ship or boat of any power or size both day and night with no limit on distance from the coast. You must already be the holder of the Permis coutier. The exam consists of navigation skills.
If you are boating with a British registered boat you will not need any of the above as you are covered under British law, but it is recommended that you hold the International Certificate of Competence.