One of the world’s first real ‘department stores’ was ‘Au Bon Marché’ in Paris, designed by Gustav Eiffel.

Of course, as an adjective, bon marché means cheap – doesn’t sound quite so chic when you think about it does it? Here are a few more useful phrases when looking for a bargain

Good value
Un bon rapport qualité-prix

Better value
un meilleur rapport qualité-prix

A  good deal
une bonne affaire

A bad deal
une mauvaise affaire

A bargain price
un prix avantageux

pas cher

How much is…?
C’est combien pour…..

And if I pay cash?
Et si je vous paie en espèce?

Too expensive for me. Can you do me a better price?
Trop cher pour moi. Vous pouvez me faire un meilleur prix?

Il ne me reste que…..euro. Ca suffit?
I only have … euros left. Is that enough?

Where you might go to find a bargain….
Le vide grenier – car boot sale
La brocante – bric-a-brac
Le dépôt vente – second-hand, buy and sell shop
Le marché aux puces – flea Market
La braderie – street market, flea market (brader – to sell off)


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