by Jane Forsyth
The Charles Rennie Mackintosh Association’s original Port-Vendres’ Interpretation Centre was closed for the winter in November 2021. We were then informed that owing to the fact that there was no disabled access we would be asked to move to new headquarters in the Place Castellane.
The Place Castellane in Port-Vendres has been undergoing extensive changes, which will be virtually completed during the first week in August. So in the intervening period we have taken the opportunity to reconsider our display for our new, renovated HQ.
We are now focused on the watercolours painted by Charles Rennie Mackintosh whilst he was resident here in our region. We have had each of his paintings beautifully reproduced, to their actual original size, so whilst sadly, we are unable to show you his original works you will be thrilled to see these excellent copies, in the artist’s original format.

They will occupy the majority of the space in our new Centre, but you will be able to discover both ‘Toshie’ and his wife, Margaret, and something of their lives and work through our newly-installed interactive screens.
We also have an area which will house a rotating display of other items relating to their work, such as items of furniture, textiles, models of his buildings.
Even if you have been previously, a return visit should prove interesting, particularly when you are in the market for the lovely gifts, postcards and reproduction posters of the paintings which we sell.

The building in which our new Centre is housed is in itself worthy of a visit, being of the classically art deco style, designed by the architect Joseph Berthier. Our new address is Place Castellane, 66660 Port-Vendres. You will find us on the corner after the cinema.
Our new Centre will be open on Wednesday and Friday afternoons from 15h00 to 17h00, with effect from Friday, 5th August 2022, with the official inauguration being planned for September, when there will be a conference about the Mackintosh watercolours. Watch the PO Newsletter for further information and meantime take a look at our website