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1st July 2020
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Hello Everyone
Well anyone would think we’ve never had a Covid emergency here in Argelès! Things are very much back to normal. Which is good! No? Mums and dads back to work, kids back to school, bars, campsites, restaurants open. All good. I have the luxury I suppose of saying hang on – I’m happy to continue social distancing for a while.
It’s still quiet enough in the mornings and evenings to enjoy the birdsong and watch the lizards fly-catching. Rather than sit at a bar drinking our apèro, masked-up and spaced out, me and my old Dutch have packed a couple of chairs in the car and gone up into the hills and, with that view, we don’t even have to make conversation!
As you know, there will be no CSF events until September in all our departments that make up Sud de France. This includes the Drop Ins/coffee mornings/book exchanges.
We hope we can start up again in September but we will follow what national CSF and the French government say.
First of all may I say that we are delighted to announce that Frankie Ward will be joining CSF Sud as a Departmental Representative responsible for organising publicity and events in the P-O. She will be working with the irrepressible Maggie Longworth to ensure that through our activities we can keep CSF in the public eye.
You can contact both of them at Sud-po@cancersupportfrance.org
Frankie is at sud-frankie@cancersupportfrance.org
Maggie at sud-maggie@cancersupportfrance.org
Actions de prévention santé en ligne et gratuite
This has been sent to us from CAUS66. You may remember way back in March, I talked about CAUS66 – Maison des Usagers. CSF had just become part of this national organisation which brings together under one roof all the patient associations for all sorts of illnesses.
You will see that La Mutualité Française Occitanie is offering a series of free online conferences and workshops open to all over the months of June and July 2020.
You will find the programme here. It started on 22 June but it’s not too late to join if you wish.
Covid-19 Bulletin No.17 – Phase 3 of Deconfinement
Click here to read the latest bulletin put together by CSF Languedoc. It’s quite long with a lot of useful information about the StopCovid app, latest travel and quarantine restrictions, insurance and scams and fraud.
Thursday 10th September Activity for Life Maureillas
We have now had confirmation that the venue is booked for Walk for Life and we’ve planned and walked the two routes. It’s still very dependent upon what happens throughout July and August but all being well, drinks will be on sale and, we hope, cakes and biscuits, so bring a picnic and join in the fun. There’ll be plenty of picnic tables in shady spots to ensure distancing.
We really hope that we can successfully run this event which has been so popular in past years.
Wednesday 23rd September Cycle For Life 2020 Rochefort to Angoulême
Saturday 17th October Autumn Ball
The date is provisional for our next Autumn Ball. Government guidelines and the situation with regard to the virus will determine whether or not we can go ahead with this annual event.
Please remember that if anyone is struggling or needing help, the CSF telephone and email helplines are always open. We are there for everyone needing assistance at this time as well as for those affected by cancer. |
We will keep everyone informed of any further developments.
Diana Eastaff