With over 4,500 working speed cameras already present around France, a further 10,000 DUMMY ones are to be installed over the next months.
Watch out too for the ‘radar autonome’ on the A9 amongst the road works, temporarily installed for the safety of the motorway workers, on a stretch of road near the “Village catalan”, where the speed is limited to 90km/h. It can and is moved regularly depending upon where it is most needed!
A Quick Look at the French ‘Radar’.
- Le radar ‘vitesse fixe’ – ‘fixed speed’ radar is installed on roadsides and instantly calculates vehicle speed as it passes. Indicated in advance by a radar warning sign.
- Le radar ‘vitesse moyenne” – ‘average speed’ camera checks the average speed practiced by users on a stretch of road, and penalty is based on speed at exit checkpoint. Also indicated in advance by a radar warning sign.
- Le radar ‘vitesse embarqué’ – used by the police and gendarmerie at the roadside. Not indicated until you see them – it’s too late!
- Le radar ‘mobile nouvelle génération’ – a device on board an unmarked car police driven by gendarmes or uniformed officers with no visible flash, which registers your speed from in front, behind, even while overtaking…as it continues to drive. This type of camera is not indicated in advance.
- Le radar ‘pédagogique‘ – ‘educational’, usually flashing up the vehicle speed, sometimes with a text encouraging road users to correct their speed. These cameras do not result in fines.
And there are more!
- ‘discriminant‘ – differentiates between categories of vehicles including trucks
- ‘feu rouge‘ – installed on traffic lights.
- ‘passage à niveau‘ – at crossings
- ‘chantier‘ – mobile and found around roadworks.