Socialist candidate, 44 year old Carole Delga, the first president to be of the new Languedoc-Roussillon Midi-Pyrénées region, says that she will be a president for all, ‘une présidente de terrain’, ‘proche des citoyens’. Described by fellow politicians as ‘une femme de talent et de compétences…… honnête, elle a beaucoup de qualités…….. Elle est courageuse”
As for the final identity of the new region, Carole says that the name and new logo will be in place by June 2016 and will be chosen for their «visibilité à l’international».
But it’s an uphill struggle!
The «Languedoc-Pyrénées» has been ruled out as excluding North Catalonia.
A short and sharper suggestion being considered is «Pyrénées-Méditerranée», backed by the mayor of Perpignan, Jean-Marc Pujol.
«Languedoc-Catalogne» has also been put forward and ruled out, as has «Sud de France», because of its shortened form of «SDF», describing the homeless. («Sans Domicile Fixe»)
For the Front national, Louis Aliot supports «Languedoc-Roussillon» or «Languedoc-Pays Catalan».
And so as usual, much shouting will go on amongst the political parties until an agreement is reached on the name and identity of the Languedoc Roussillon. On verra!