….a light look at the latest local news
Let the buyer beware: – A garage in Perpignan which offered cars for sale on an internet website, has been accused of fraud! Potential purchasers, tempted by the idea of buying a luxury car, with full warranty and in excellent condition for just 4000€, were amazed and furious to find that it was a scam. Often the cars would not start, did not have their Carte Grise, and had fake MOT certificates. People who complained were given death threats. A lawyer is now ‘on the case’ on behalf of the disappointed clients.
Elderly lady mugged by a child – A 91 year-old woman was mugged as she left the Super-U in Place Cassanyes, Perpignan. The victim fell heavily to the ground and hit her head on the pavement when the mugger attempted to snatch her handbag. The assailant turned out to be a 12 year old girl – already known to the police for several similar offences. Although she is too young to be placed in police custody, she has been referred to the Thuir psychiatric hospital for evaluation.
Notaire convicted of animal cruelty – When neighbours complained about noises and smells coming from a house in Tresserre, the police intervened and discovered 40 animals including cats, dogs and birds, in a lamentable state. Most of the animals were rescued by the Marina Refuge in Ceret, and are recovering – but at least two cats had to be put to sleep, and apparently the dogs had not been outside for 2 years. The owner said that she had ‘only’ left them for one month. She was fined 1500€ and banned from ever owning animals.
Fight against Fly-tippers – The commune of Pia is to install motion-detector cameras in various locations (secret of course!) in an attempt to film, and deter, fly-tippers. The mayor is fed up with the quantity of rubbish, including beds, tvs, boxes, building waste, just dumped in the vineyards. He says the cameras are similar to those used to film wild animals – but this time is studying a different sort of ‘game’!
Smoking is bad for your … freedom – Customs officers searching a car at the Franco-Andorra border discovered 290 cartridges of cigarettes. While they were searching, they noticed a black car discreetly turn back in the direction of Pas de la Casa. When it reappeared they questioned the driver who said he had nothing to ‘declare’. A quick search revealed 495 cartridges in the boot. Bearing in mind each cartridge = 200 cigarettes it seemed unlikely they were for personal use – and the occupants of both cars were placed in customs detention.
And finally:
If you lived in the UK between 1980 and 1996, you can’t give blood in France because of the risk of having been exposed to ‘mad cow disease’. Old news. The latest news is that if you have spent just 24 hours in the P-O or PACA region you cannot give blood in another department for a period of 28 days after the visit, because of the risk of having been exposed to the West Nile Fever virus! On a positive note, you can still give blood in your own department (unless you lived in the UK between etc etc etc.) but it has to be screened first.