Brial Traiteur – restaurant and caterer
Le Boulou
Catalan caterer Joel Brial knows a thing or two about the catering business. After 17 successful years in Le Boulou, he has built up a well deserved reputation for quality, reliability – and some very tasty creations.
La Belle Vigne, his recently opened restaurant and a jealously guarded secret by in-the-know locals, focusses on quality, simplicity – and at a price of 13€90 for three courses including an eat-all-you-like hors d’oeuvres buffet, and a quarter carafe of wine per person, value for money.
All produce is fresh, local and prepared on site, you can sit in the fully air conditioned interior or on the terrace with views aver Canigou. With a garden for the kids to run around in, ample and easy parking and disabled access, the restaurant is a perfect lunchtime stopover for all the family.
NB La Belle Vigne is open Monday to Friday lunchtimes only. Head out of Le Boulou towards Intermarché, turn left at Netto and left again a little further on)
7, rue des vignes,
Le Boulou
04 68 85 52 29
At a recent wedding, I was blown away, knocked out, and filled up, by Brial’s ‘apéro dinatoire’.
Colourful, tasty and infintely varied, it’s a great idea when having family or a group of friends round for dinner, when you dont want to spend the evening running in and out of the kitchen. When I enquired, I found the prices surprisingly reasonable compared to buying and making up all the individual delights yourself – and it’s delivered and picked up, so no washing up!
The ‘apéritifs dînatoires’ have become fashionable recently in France – multiple small sweet and savoury dishes, which can generally be eaten with fingers, including verrines, small glasses filled with layers of food such as hot scallops, salmon, prawns, avocado…
House warming, big birthday, little birthday, dinner party for friends or en famille… At home or in their own air-conditioned function rooms, from apero to dessert, Brial provides everything including cutlery, crockery, waiter service, washing up and clearing away …or just deliver as requested.
And for that special occasion, they will make your special cake … that blues guitar, 60s Harley, a bird, a plane…!
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Sometimes we fancy something really tasty – but just can’t be bothered with the effort or simply don’t have the time for shopping and cooking to produce that culinary masterpiece! The shop in Le Boulou, on the main through road in the centre, offers take away ready meals to ‘plate and present’. Catalan specialities from boles de picolat to moules à l’aioli, salads, charcuterie, cakes and patisserie…all fresh produce prepared in the Brial kitchen in Le Boulou.
78 av. du Général de Gaulle Le Boulou Tel. : 04 68 83 08 27 Mobile : 06 85 76 92 12 Mail : |