Trinxat – a winter dish from the Cerdanya

Trinxat Bubble and Squeak

Trinxat, in Catalan, means chopped or shredded and was traditionally eaten in the mountains in winter to keep the cold out. A economical and tasty dish, similar to bubble and squeak.

    • Savoy or green cabbage
    • 10 thick slices of salt pork or bacon, diced
    • 2 lbs. potatoes, peeled
    • 3 tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil
    • 1 clove garlic, peeled and mince
  • Boil the cabbage and potato until well done and very tender. Mash both ingredients together with a potato masher.
  • Season to taste with salt, and set aside.
  • In a frying pan, lightly brown salt pork or bacon on both sides, drain on kitchen roll and set aside.
  • Fry garlic, in olive oil until soft, 2-3 minutes; then add oil and garlic to cabbage mixture, mixing until thoroughly combined, but still a bit chunky; Stir in the bacon or salt pork
  • Drop the mixture into hot oil by large spoonfuls, pat into smooth patties with a spatula and fry until browned on both sides, or mound onto a serving platter without frying and garnish with any left over bacon.


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