Many walking and riding trails in the region have been marked out with different coloured paint strokes to represent varying difficulty or activities.
Yellow paint stroke : short walk (petite randonnée)
Red and yellow paint stroke : Cross country (Tour de Pays) Red and white paint stroke : long walks (Grande randonnée)
orange circle
Mountain biking
Two yellow circles and a triangle
Private roads and track bearing the sign “Proprieté privé – défense d’entrer” should only be used with the permission of the owner.
Reserved for fire engines DFCI tracks (Défense contre l’incendie) are situated at regular intervals in most forest areas. These are for the fire engines in case of emergency and are strictly forbidden for unauthorised motorised vehicles. Bikers and horses may use these tracks unless there is a fire warning, high winds etc.
The route to the Col de l’Ullot, Pic Néoulous, planned and created by the National Forests’ Office, allows access to forest areas for those with reduced mobility, allowing them to enjoy the countryside in comfort and safety. To use this route, take the metalled road D71 from Perthus and take the path 300 metres after passing the Albère Chalet in the direction of “Pic de Néulòs”. The Chalet de l’Albère has toilets for handicapped persons. The route goes along a forest track which has a small gradient for about 1200 metres. This allows one to see the forest, including the Laricio pines and goes through a beech wood which ends at an area giving an excellent view over the plain of Roussillon, the coastline and the Mediterranean. It is best to avoid this pathway during the time of the Tramontana wind.
All the equipment specific to handicapped persons on this route is for their use alone.