Opération Pièces jaunes


Opération Pièces jaunesThe Fondation Hôpitaux de Paris-Hôpitaux de France has organised a yearly fundraiser since 1990. Opération Pièces jaunes (loose copper/change) aims to raise funds to finance projects and equipment within the pediatric hospital services.

Its mission is to improve the daily lives of children hospitalized in pediatric wards, encouraging closer families,  activities, fighting the pain, improving  comfort…. Fundraising  is national and if you would like to be involved,  pick up a cardboard coin money bank from most post offices, and take it  back at the end of the fundraising.

You can also visit their site to create your own virtual ‘tirelire’ (money box) which you can send around to friends via Internet.

The initiative begins today, the 8th January, and finishes on the 15th.

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