On the snail trail
Do snails eat chocolate?
At the height of the Roman Empire Romans found snails highly nutritious and farmed them extensively. The French are renowned worldwide for their snail eating. But there are only 100 snail farms in France and one of them is just outside the Conflent village of Estoher.
A visit there with Natalie and Stephane is quite an experience. Not only will you learn how to farm snails but Stephane, an actor of some talent, will entertain you throughout the visit after which you will find there is not much about the snail, its raising and life cycle that you don’t know.
For example, snails use the most energy of any animal to get from a to b, a ratio of energy/weight/distance equalling 200 calories per gram per kilometre as opposed to a wasp, 14 cal per gram per km or a helicopter, not exactly an animal, but using only 5 cal per gram per km…
You will be able to answer a long list of questions including “Do snails lay eggs?” “Do they eat carrots, meat or chocolate?” “and how?” “How do snails cope with the sun?” “Do they live alone or in groups?” and, all importantly, “Who eats them?” Demonstrations of a “Cargolade” are a frequent event.
A discovery menu for those who have never eaten (or had any desire to eat) snails sounds so delicious and interesting that it is tempting to sit down and order one immediately.
Check their informative website or ring to arrange your visit. |