September – October
By Elaine Jacobs
The Jazzèbre season is fast approaching! Another eclectic festival of jazz and world music awaits eager ears.
As usual, Perpignan lies at its heart, but you can find concerts and/or activities in 22 other towns and villages throughout the P-O. Drop into Perpignan’s Office de Tourisme (or most cultural outlets) for a copy of the Jazzèbre Festival agenda, which is bursting with information about the musicians, as well as dates and ticketing.
You can also find Jazzèbre news on Facebook
Alternatively, go online HERE Click on any date/picture to learn more about the musicians and watch a performance video. Each picture also offers the possibility of co-voiturage (Comment s’y rendre?), where you can propose or request a lift.
I highly recommend coming to an overview of the whole season at the warm and welcoming Soirée de Présentation at “L’Eglise des Carmes” — otherwise known as the Couvent des Carmes, opposite L’Institut Jean Vigo in the Casa Musicale complex. It starts at 19.00, and entry is free – though food and drink will be on sale. .
This will be followed by the opening ciné-concert: Elles N’en Font Qu’a Leur Tête! This compilation of nine short, silent black & white films showing “women, admirably free, rebellious, electric…” will be accompanied by Carla Gaudré and Maya Cros on saxophone and keyboards. A must for followers and historians of feminism!

Hi Roo,
There are quite few cafes and bar which have regular sessions for jazz/blues musicians of various levels. My advice is get here and take it from there.
A Baritone Hybrid guitar, not sure I’ve come across such a beast? An open tuned short bare necked mandola?
I’m an Aussie jazz/blues musician. I play baritone hybrid guitar. I’m going to be there in 2024.
I’d like to play my music there in a cafe or similar. No pay needed, I’ll volunteer. Perhaps give me a bed somewhere. Here is a clip of me at work.
I’m friendly and harmless. I’m visiting my cousin in Ceret, but I want to get involved in Jazzebre. I speak a little French and Spanish too.
Yours musically
Roo Friend
Brisbane Australia