From this Wednesday 17th May, watch out for a new speed trap, operational in both directions, on the A9 motorway, near the Spanish border, where work is being carried out to create a 3rd lane.

Approximately level with Les Cluses and Maureillas. the ‘radar’ installation goes ahead following far too many speed violations noted by heavy goods vehicles, with the potential to cause serious accidents.
In order to put an end to this problem, a special speed trap named ‘chantier’ goes ‘live’ today. It is able to differentiate between heavy vehicles, light vehicles, two or four wheels… and to apply appropriate speed limit to each, ensuring equal treatment for all users.
As with all radars in the region, it will be signalled by a warning sign.
According to a spokesperson for the installation…
“L’objectif ……. n’est pas de multiplier le nombre de sanctions mais de contraindre chaque conducteur à avoir un comportement responsable et respectueux de la vie des autres.”.
objectif – aim sanction – penalty contraindre – force conducteur – driver comportement – behaviour