Tragic accident on Canigou
Rachel Pridmore & family would like to thank everybody for all the kind words, offers of support and generous donations, that have been given to us over the last three weeks, since the premature departure of their beloved husband and father Andrew. We’ve been so touched by all your help. It is truly heartwarming to know that we have so many lovely friends. Andrew may be gone, but never forgotten, he will live on in our hearts. |
Many of you will have heard about the tragic events of last Tuesday when Andrew Pridmore, the husband of Rachel (Super U) was killed on the Canigou by lightening.
He leaves Rachel and their two children,Trinity and Jevan who are at primary schools in Prades.
Maddy, 19/20 has left home and got married in South Africa last weekend, and Ben who is 18 and attending the Lycée in Prades,
I am sure many of you who know Rachel…if not socially, through her pleasantness and friendliness to all us Ex-pats in Super U – would like to show your support in this time of great sorrow by attending the funeral, (please do not dress in black ). See church details below.
Unfortunately she now finds herself in great financial difficulties and some of her closest friends, who I must say have shown their friendship in abundance in the last few days and hopefully into the future, have asked that I spread the word and ask if any of you, instead of flowers or the like, would contribute to a fund for the family, either in the way of a cheque sent to Nick Wilcock or myself in favour of “Rachel Pridmore” or there will be a donation box at the church to place money/envelope in for those who would prefer to do it that way.
The children’s schools and Super U staff have set up a donation fund.
The funeral details are as follows:
The Church of St Pierre Place de la République 66500 Prades At 10.00 on Wednesday 29th June Afterwards at Canet (Private) |
I would ask you to pass this notice on through your email data base so we can reach as many people as possible
Penny Statham
Les Hirondelles
1 Cami de la Ribere Enclose
66820 Fuilla
Tel: 0468056308
Mob: 0678215150
Nick Wilcock
Villa Lafabrègue
15 Avenue Louis Prat
66500 Prades
Tel 0033 4 68 96 29 90
Mob 0033 613 52 54 22
Thank you
Penny Statham