This French tradition of serving a frangipane filled tart known as the ‘galette des rois’ (or the ‘gateau des rois’ in the South of France) on, or around the 6th January, (the first Sunday of each New Year) actually dates back to the 14th century.

Bonne Année !Bonne année et bonne santé….. Je te/vous souhaite une joyeuse année Tous nos (mes) voeux pour la nouvelle année Bonne et Heureuse Année Joyeuses fêtes ! Meilleurs vœux ! Que tous tes/vos voeux se réalisent en 2017

This French Christmas character, the ‘whipping father’, said to accompany Santa on his rounds on 6th December, is fortunately no longer heard of much in French tradition.

These pooey Catalan traditions may shed some light on the popular Catalan saying
“menja bé, caga fort i no tinguis por a la mort!” (Eat well, poo strong and don’t be afraid of death!)