Cancer Support France – Sud de France
Drop In Centres
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the CSF Drop In at Prades can no longer continue at the current venue. We would like to thank Café Alchimie for all their support during the year which is very much appreciated. We are looking for a new venue in the Prades/Ille area.
After nearly a year in operation, this has given us a chance to consider the Drop Ins generally and how best CSF can support those suffering from cancer and their families and friends in the Pyrénées-Orientales. We have decided to continue with the Drop Ins once a month and, in 2013, to put on additional events around the Department.
The Drop In at Céret will therefore continue from 10am to 12pm on the first Wednesday of the month. Join us at Pablo’s Bar for a coffee and a chat.
For more information please contact either Penny at or on 0468 388 128 or Rita at |