Dali fans will be delighted to hear that the musée Dalí in Figueres has just received from London the famous « Métamorphose de Narcisse », painted by the contraversial artist in 1937, on loan for three months.
According to Greek mythology, Narcissus fell in love with his own reflection in a pool. Unable to embrace the watery image, he pined away, and the gods immortalized him as a flower. Dali completed this painting in 1937 on his long awaited return to Paris after having had great success in the United States.
The painting shows Narcissus sitting in a pool, gazing down. Not far away there is a decaying stone figure which corresponds closely to him but is perceived quite differently as a hand holding up a bulb or egg from which a narcissus is growing. In the background, a group of naked figures can be seen, while a third narcissus like figure appears on the horizon.