Ten years after the privatisation of the EDG/GDF, at a time when competition is hotting up between providers of gas and electricity, the P-O branch of UFC-Que Choisir has started a new campaign ‘énergie moins chère ensemble’.
This rather unusual auction allows consumers to get the best offer on the market through a competitive bidding process.
“The company offering the best deal will become the official supplier to all consumers who have registered. That company will also commit to a contract without commitment, and a promise not to increase its electricity rates for 2 years,” expained Philippe Proia, of the Perpignan branch.
An identical initiative carried out last year reduced electricity bills by 23% and gas bills by 17% for 627 households participating in the scheme.
For more information, contact UFC-Que Choisir, 45 avenue Marcellin-Albert, 66 000 Perpignan, tel: 09 83 87 07 07.