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AT A GLANCE July 2016

1st July 2016 - 31st July 2016

Around the region July 2016

Throughout July
Palais des Rois de Majorque and Prieuré de Serrabona, Perpignan
Festival Eté 66. The 9th edition of this free world music festival celebrating flamenco, classical, opera, contemporary and many other besides. Find the full programme here or call 04 68 85 85 85 for more info.
Throughout July and AugustFestival de St Cyprien. A celebration of live music throughout the summer. Free entry. Visit their Facebook page or call St Cyprien Tourist Information 04 68 21 01 33.
Every Tuesday 10am – 12pm
Village des Pêcheurs, Le Barcarès
Learn to speak Catalan. Free language tuition. Sign up at Barcarès Tourist Information.
Every Tuesday 9pm
Blvd François Desnoyer, St Cyprien
The Unexpected Road. Street theatre and performers entertaining passers-by with juggling, mime and circus-worthy acrobatics.
Every Wednesday and Thursday 10am (except 14th July)   Ille sur TetNarrated visit of les Orgues. A magical mix of fantasy and geology. Adult: €3,50. Child: €3.
Every Friday throughout July and August

Night Market. From 6pm to 11pm.  Mainly crafts but they have an old fashioned bread oven where they bake bread and make pizza, there is music and the bar does a meal such as a paella for those that want to eat.

Every Saturday 5pm – 6.30pm Vernet les BainsGuided visit of the Natural History Museum. Discover the fabulous collection of over 10,000 minerals, fossils and dinosaur footprints. Adults: €4. 10-17 years: €3.50. Under 10: free. Call the museum for more info: 04 68 05 77 97.
Every Sunday 6-8pm                 Argelès-sur-MerSaveurs du terroir.
Friday 1st 9pm
Café de la Poste, Serralongue
Redstar. Rock, RnB, blues concert.
Friday 1st – Saturday 2nd
Place de la Martinique, Port Barcarès
Jazz Festival. A free, 2 day celebration of jazz music. Website.
Friday 1st – Sunday 3rd
Espace Mediterranée, Canet
Tourism and Travel Book Festival. Meet publishers, authors, journalists and illustrators, inlcuding kids workshops and visual projections. Find out more here.
Friday 1st – Sunday 3rd
Saint Cyprien
Fête de la Saint-Pierrepatron saint of fishermen.
Saturday 2nd 10am
Hospici d’Illa, Ille sur Tet
Guided Tour of l’Eglise de la Rodona. €3 per person. Call 04 68 84 83 96 for more info.
Saturday 2nd 6pm
Stade Gilbert Brutus, Perpignan
Super League: Catalan Dragons vs Wigan Warriors. Website.
Sunday 3rd 9am – 12pm
Pôle Nautique, Canet
Classic Car Rally. Organised by RVA66.
Sunday 3rd 5.30pm
Choral Concert. 4 of the region’s finest choirs come together for this free concert in the church.
Monday 4th 9pm
Place de Marbres, Saint Cyprien
Soul Jamaica. Tribute concert celebrating the best of “black music”.
Tuesday 5th 12.15pm
Théâtre de l’Archipel, Perpignan
Free Guided Tour. Limited places, reservations essential. Call 04 68 62 62 00.
Wednesday 6th 10.30am
Château Roussillon, Perpignan
Archeologial Visit. Discover Ruscino, the Roman city that preceeded Perpignan and developped into what we know today as Roussillon. For more ifo call 04 68 66 30 30.
Thursday 7th
Arboretum du Mas Roussillon, Canet
Land Art Sculptures : Piero Cipolat. Opening of a new sculpture exhibition. Works merge and interact with their environment. Exhibition runs until 16 October. More info here.
Thursday 7th 8pm
Place de la Cellera, Thuir
Argentine Tango. Learn to strut and spin with an hour-long participative workshop, then show off your new moves at the authentic milonga (Argentine Tango Ball). Call 06 60 39 43 16 for more info.
Thursday 7th – Sunday 10th
Les Déferlantes
Friday 8th 3pm – 5pm
Jardin des Plantes, St Cyprien
Treasure Hunt and Sensory Workshop. For children 4-8 years. Limitted places. Call l’Office de Tourisme for more info : 04 68 37 41 60.
Friday 8th 7.30pm
Restaurant Le Pierranne, Villelongue-dels-Monts
Vodkaredboule in concert.
Friday 8th – Sunday 10th
Centre Arlette Franco, Canet
South of France Swimming Championships.
Friday 8th – Sunday 10th 10am-7pm
Allées Maillol, Perpignan
Second Hand Car Market. Browse over 300 vehicles of various makes and models. Who knows, you might just find a bargain. Free entry. Call Tourist Information for more details 04 68 66 30 30.
Saturday 9th 7am
Bus Station, by theatre, Perpignan
Voyages Ille Passion. Coach trip to Pas de la Case, with visiting stops at Le Soler, Millas, Ille sur Tet, Vinça, Prades and Villefranche du Conflent. Adult: €20, child (under 12 years): €13. Reservations necessary. Call 07 60 23 56 78 or email contact@voyages66.com. Website.
Saturday 9th 9.30pm
Place Charles Trenet, Canet Sud
Season Opening. French bagpipes and live orchestra performing the best from the 1940s. Followed by fireworks at 11pm.
Saturday 9th 9pm
Place de la Cellera, Thuir
Hip Hop Dance Battle. Break dance, locking, popping, choreographed and freestyle, this will be an evening of acrobatic talents and gravity defying feats. Call 04 68 84 67 87 for more info.
Saturday 9th – Tuesday 12th   Villefranche de ConflentMédiévals. Discover the magic and myth of the Middle Ages with entertainment and workshops set in the authentic 11th century walled city. Website.
Tuesday 12th 11am-6pm
Jardins de la Capitanerie, St Cyprien
 Street Day. Festival celebrating street culture: live graffiti and hip-hop performances throughout the day. Call 04 68 21 01 33 for more info.
Tuesday 12th 6.30pm
Château las Collas, Thuir
Opera du Château. Free concert and dégustation. Get a taste of the action here. Call 06 07 71 01 58 for more info.
Wednesday 13th 6pm
Cathédrale Saint Jean Baptiste, Perpignan
International Bell Ringing Festival. The opening evening for the festival’s 14th edition will include perfromances from the internationally acclaimed Dennis Curry. Shows every Wednesday from 13th July to 17th August. Free entry. Website.
Wednesday 13th – Sunday 17th
Féria & Céret de Toros
Thursday 14th
Throughout the region
French National Holiday
Thursday 14th
Church of Saint André
Carte Blanche for Daniel Tosi. The highly acclaimed director of Perpignan’s Conservatoir has chosen Vivaldi’s Gloria, to be performed by the 60 piece Osmose choir, under the direction of Aline Rico. Entry 10€. Call 04 68 89 04 85 for tickets.
Thursday 14th – Saturday 16th
Lydia, Port Barcarès
Electrobeach3 days of the best in electronic music.
Friday 15th 4pm
Le Barcarès (Port & Plage)
Patrouille de France Air Show. France’s answer to the Red Arrows. A truly spectaular display of aerial acrobatics. Contact the Tourist Information on 04 68 86 16 56 for more info.
Friday 15th – Saturday 23rd
Ciné-rencontres. The 57th edition of the independant cinema festival. Full features, shorts, premiers and panels discussions. Website.
Saturday 16th 6pm
Stade Gilbert Brutus, Perpignan
Super League: Catalan Dragons vs Wakefield Wildcats. Website.
Sunday 17th
Organic Fayre.
Monday 18th 8.30pm
Route de Casteil, Vernet les Bains
Cirque Apollo. Website.
Monday 18th 9pm
Place de Verdun, Perpignan
Sardane. Our Catalan heritage on proud display, danced by the Cobla Mil•lenària. Continued every Monday throughout July and August.
Tuesday 19th 6pm-7pm
Mas des Capellans, Saint Cyprien
Back Workshop. Suffer from a bad back? Take part in this workshop, lead by a back pain specialist, and learn techniques, exercises and stretches to aleviate your pain without medication. 5€.
Tuesday 19th
Sensory Chronology of Elne.
Thursday 21st & 28th (and throughout August)
Jeudis de Perpignan. Free music performances in the bars and the streets of Perpignan. More info here or call Office de Tourisme on 04 68 66 30 30. Volunteer at this event.
Friday 22nd
Le Racou
Fête du Racou. Open water swimming competition, depart 8am. Followed by a day of festivities including inflatable obstacle course, fashion and swim wear show and bal.
Friday 22nd
Passion Opéra Mosset. A lyrical expoloration of French and Italien composers including Offenbach, Gounod, Bellini and Verdi. Continued on 27th, 28th July and 3rd, 4th August. Entry €15. For more info and reservations call 04 68 05 50 83.
Friday 22nd – Saturday 23rd
Campo Santo, Perpginan
Live au Campo. A weekend of magic and music hosted in a marquee in the cloisters of the Campo Santo. Tickets on sale at Fnac and other retailers. Website.
Friday 22nd – Saturday 23rd
Diades Catlanes.
Friday 22nd – Sunday 24th
Festival de Sardane 
Saturday 23rd
Prats de Mollo
Charivari. Music festival including Sardanes and performances by over 70 groups and artists. Website. Call the Office de Tourisme for more info: 04 68 39 70 83. 
Saturday 23rd 3pm – 7pm
Place de la République, Vernet les Bains
150 years of fashion. Catwalk fashion show displaying dresses from as far back as 1750. Free entry. To register as a volunteer model, or for more info call Jospeha on 06 14 09 52 70.
Saturday 23rd – Sunday 24th
Place Saint Jacques, Canet Village
Fête de la Saint Jacques
Sunday 24th 6pm
Jardin des Plantes, St Cyprien
Jardins en Scène. Classical concert with choral accompaniment. Free Entry. Call 04 68 21 01 33 for more info.
Wednesday 27th 9pm
Parking Ajaccio, Port de Canet
Microcosmos. Street theatre bringing the microscopic world of insects to gigantic proportions. Find out more here.
Wednesday 27th 11pm
Parking des Pêcheurs, Port Argelès
Wednesday 27th – Thursday 28th
Passion Opéra Mosset. A continuation of the operatic concert of Friday 22nd July. Entry €15. For more info and reservations call 04 68 05 50 83.
Thursday 28th – Sunday 31st
Ille sur Tet
Fête de la Sainte Etienne. A 4 day celebration including raffles, concerts, fireworks and a performance by the London Orchestra to close the festival on Sunday 31st 4pm in Place de la République. Call 04 68 84 02 62 for more info.
Friday 29th      Place de le République, Vernet les BainsConfidencial. Rock concert. Free Entry.
Saturday 30th 6pm
Place de la République, Thuir
Catalan Folklore Celebration. An evening of free entertainment celebrating ithe rich and exciting Catalan culture: dancing, processions, food. Call 04 68 84 67 87 for more info.
Saturday 30th – Sunday 31st
Aplec Internacional. 2 day festival celebrating popular Catalan culture. Website.
Sunday 31st 9.30pm
Place Méditerranée, Canet
Hypnosis Show. Find out more here.



1st July 2016
31st July 2016
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