Heatwave hot line – 08 00 06 66 66
(open from 8h – 19h, free from landlines and offering help and support to those suffering from the heat.)
Guidance on coping in a heat wave (Plan Canicule) has been issued by the Mairie of Perpignan, applying particularly to the elderly and the disabled.
If you are aware of anybody who may be at risk, you can contact CCAS 04. 68. 34. 44. 53 from 9h to 12h and 13h to 5h.
J’alerte l’Arcep has been set up by Communications authority Arcep (Autorité de régulation des communications électroniques et des Postes) to review complaints.
They will be added to a computerised register, which will trigger off a monitoring system, prompting the equivalent of the social services to check up on them during a heat wave.
Health experts say it takes just two consecutive days of heatwave temperatures to have a significant effect on health.
Heatwaves can lead to dehydration and heat exhaustion or heat stroke, which can then cause irreversible damage to various organs in the body and even lead to death.
Measures, such as staying out of the heat, drinking plenty of fluids and taking cool baths and showers are recommended.
In case of emergency, ring…
15 Samu
18 Pompiers
112 European helpline.