I don’t know about you but when I get battered with unsolicited phone calls, emails and Facebook ‘sponsored’ links about a give-away or special offer, it usually goes straight to my spam without a second thought.

However, news of a government scheme going round offering roof insulation for the symbolic sum of 1€ (Isolation à 1 euro) IS genuine, put in place to encourage homeowners to improve their energy consumption!

That is not to say that the usual unscrupulous operators haven’t taken advantage of it to run scams and frauds to cheat you, in some cases turning up to do the work – and leaving chaos behind….but if you go the right way about it, you may well qualify for the real thing.

There are several sites available offering you online tools to check your eligibility. Our advice would be to contact a reputable,  approved insulation installer and find out if you are eligible. That is…you go to them. Ignore anyone who rings, emails or visits without an invitation!

Government site www.economie.gouv.fr  advises us that no authorised government services ‘sont à l’origine de sollicitations commerciales par téléphone, courriel, courrier ou visite à domicile’ and that ‘l’isolation des combles à 1 euro est une offre commerciale, proposée par des entreprises signataires d’une charte avec le ministère de la transition écologique’.

The Agence Départementale d’Information sur le Logement (ADIL) suggests that homeowners check that companies offering this service are listed as “Reconnu Garant Environnement” or ‘RGE’ meaning that they have been approved to carry out this work.

You apparently have until the end of 2020 to  take up this offer.


Entreprise Bear
Entreprise Bear, Perpignan

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