3 BREAKING NEWS 3 The official opening of the Le Boulou bypass has finally been set for Friday 9th July, at 16h. Thursday 8th will be an evening of celebration in Le Boulou with complimentary apero, gifts for all from local businesses (cork key rings have been suggested, with « les commerçants et artisans font sauter le bouchon du Boulou ! » written on), music and dinner under the stars for only 12€ per person. Expect a speech or too as well! [(HMMMMMMM. JUNE 10TH? I DONT THINK SO!!)] Le Boulou bypass Awaited with eager anticipation for the past 18 years by residents and businesses alike, the opening of the Le Boulou bypass has finally been announced for 10th June 2010. Originally started in 2007, and abandoned for a time due to lack of finance, this link road, starting just before the level crossing at Nidolères , direction Perpignan – le Boulou , and coming out at a new roundabout between near Saint Jean Pla de Corts, will pass under the motorway, linking Perpignan and the coast with the vallée du Tech (Céret, Amélie…..) It is expected to relieve some of the congestion that brings le Boulou to a standstill every summer, although it will not solve the problem for traffic heading into Le Perthus, |