New traffic laws come into effect over the next few months which could be relevant for many of us who drive into Spain on a regular basis.
Probably most relevant to you…
☛ Children less than 1.35 metres in height must sit in the back of the car. This includes taxis in which case this is not the taxi driver’s responsibility and must be organised by parents.
Max fine of 200€.
☛ Cyclists under 16 must wear helmets in urban areas.
Max fine of 200€.
☛ Drink driving fines will double. (at present 0.5mg)
☛ Police & the Guardia Civil can impose fines without stopping a vehicle if they see a offense committed (eg using your mobile, no seatbelt….) but are too busy to chase after the car!
☛ Drug and alcohol tests for pedestrians to be introduced, where they infringe the highway code.
☛ New speed limits to be introduced such as a rise from 120km to 130 on certain areas of the motorway, and just 20km on some minor roads.
☛ As in France, radar detection will be illegal.
Max fine of 200€.
On the positive side, fines will be reduced by 50% if paid within 20 days. 🙂